Notified Jim that 7 News Boston wants to speak with GOAL

Sad to say- the interview may ask the questions and Jim will give the right answers- but you can be sure the edited report that is shown will not be favorable.

For a recent example see the hit job article by the globe on the mill.

Although it's likely a no win situation to avoid speaking to the clowns in the media- they'll make hay over declining comment.

I'd setup a camera of my own and record the entire interview simultaneously so you can rebut any bad edits.
Sad to say- the interview may ask the questions and Jim will give the right answers- but you can be sure the edited report that is shown will not be favorable.

For a recent example see the hit job article by the globe on the mill.

Jim will do fine, and not taking the opportunity to bring one news story to the right side of things would be a mistake. Imagine if that happened, and we got a fair report on the evening news? Wishful thinking of course, but what do we have to lose?
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Very weak point of view @caboose84
Care to explain why you think channel 7 will be any different than the other news outlets in the commiewealth?

I did modify my initial comment to point out there isn't a choice to decline the interview- and I do believe Jim is a good speaker who represents gun owners well.

But I'm also certain that any news org will not portray gun owners in any favorable way.
I’m torn between caboose’ and new guys post. Part of me thinks Jim should and part of me says no.
Then again, given how bad this bill is I feel like we should roll the dice and have Jim do the interview but with GOAL recording it as well
Care to explain why you think channel 7 will be any different than the other news outlets in the commiewealth?

I did modify my initial comment to point out there isn't a choice to decline the interview- and I do believe Jim is a good speaker who represents gun owners well.

But I'm also certain that any news org will not portray gun owners in any favorable way.
Jim is no dummy. This isnt the 1st time he's done an interview for people with agendas. I suspect he knows what hes getting into should he do it. He's been around for a long, long time.
I’m torn between caboose’ and new guys post. Part of me thinks Jim should and part of me says no.
Then again, given how bad this bill is I feel like we should roll the dice and have Jim do the interview but with GOAL recording it as well

I think a big part of Jim's job is to present our side of things, and to sort of be the public face and reasoned voice of gun owners, even if it feels like he's just throwing up hail marys every time he gets in front of a camera. The alternative is to not even show up on the field.
Jim is no dummy. This isnt the 1st time he's done an interview for people with agendas. I suspect he knows what hes getting into should he do it. He's been around for a long, long time.

I agree- and don't think he can really decline to talk, but he can try and set some ground rules and having GOAL's own recording of the interview should be one of them.

It's not like Jim and GOAL are hidden away with no way of contacting them- why channel 7 is reaching out thru third parties seems fishy or lazy.
I think a big part of Jim's job is to present our side of things, and to sort of be the public face and reasoned voice of gun owners, even if it feels like he's just throwing up hail marys every time he gets in front of a camera. The alternative is to not even show up on the field.
Agreed but the people who wrote this bill and the citizens who support it can't be reasoned with. These people want to ban guns and lacking an outright gun ban will do anything to get as close to that as possible....and that's what this bill does. Make it near impossible to get a license, then near impossible to get a gun, then near impossible to get magazines, then ammo, then a place to shoot, then a place to carry and on and on. It's disgusting and I don't honestly know how to fight their type of stupidity other than publicly calling them out as they idiots they are.
wish there was an easy solution to this. we've all seen the media do a number on some things and i'm still of the school of thought that no good can come of it.

@CAESAR, wondering in what capacity you work for goal in, or did you just take it upon yourself to contact channel 7? overzealous individuals being "helpful" is what usually gets us into trouble.
this is a clear attack on 2A and those who choose to exercise their 2A rights. This will not do a single thing to reduce criminals acting out violently with firearms.

Nothing....this will do nothing.....

Just disarm responsible law abiding citizens.

This should be vetted for constitutionality before it can ever be signed into law.

This is an assault on America.

The media couldn't care less about what you or I or Jim thinks. They will try to manipulate him or his responses to fit their agenda to assist in disarming American citizens.

Anyone or any entity living in or operations in this country associated with or supports this bill in any way, shape, or form is not American.

rant over.
Ok. So lets sit like rats and die of hunger because the cat can catch us
GFY....ive contacted my reps and let them know my thoughts on this. same as most of us here on NES, sorry my opinion got your panties all bunched up
this is a clear attack on 2A and those who choose to exercise their 2A rights. This will not do a single thing to reduce criminals acting out violently with firearms.

Nothing....this will do nothing.....

Just disarm responsible law abiding citizens.

This should be vetted for constitutionality before it can ever be signed into law.

This is an assault on America.

The media couldn't care less about what you or I or Jim thinks. They will try to manipulate him or his responses to fit their agenda to assist in disarming American citizens.

Anyone or any entity living in or operations in this country associated with or supports this bill in any way, shape, or form is not American.

rant over.
Despite Democrat assurances, this has nothing to do with crime, injured kids, or mass shootings. This is part of the push to ban all firearms, and confiscate same from the law abiding.

They know they can't quite ban and confiscate them directly, so they look for any excuse to chip away at the right. This year, with all the mass shootings, they think they can skip the chipping, and take huge chunks with every step. The huge chunk is the 140 page ban bill before us today.

First it will be semi autos, and black rifles. Then handguns. Then anything other than single shot bolts. Then those will go.

As Rush used to say, don't doubt me on this.
Despite Democrat assurances, this has nothing to do with crime, injured kids, or mass shootings. This is part of the push to ban all firearms, and confiscate same from the law abiding.

They know they can't quite ban and confiscate them directly, so they look for any excuse to chip away at the right. This year, with all the mass shootings, they think they can skip the chipping, and take huge chunks with every step. The huge chunk is the 140 page ban bill before us today.

First it will be semi autos, and black rifles. Then handguns. Then anything other than single shot bolts. Then those will go.

As Rush used to say, don't doubt me on this.
I have zero doubt with your statement. They are trying to be a template for the feds and other anti 2A states.

They push as far as they can and even if some if it gets walked back they have still taken steps forward to their main goal as you have described.
Sad to say- the interview may ask the questions and Jim will give the right answers- but you can be sure the edited report that is shown will not be favorable.

For a recent example see the hit job article by the globe on the mill.

Although it's likely a no win situation to avoid speaking to the clowns in the media- they'll make hay over declining comment.

I'd setup a camera of my own and record the entire interview simultaneously so you can rebut any bad edits.
I was on the steps of the State House back in the Summer of 2016 staring at this smoking hot Asian girl, looking her up and down. When our eyes met, I knew I was busted, but then she asked if she could interview me. She was from channel 22 Springfield. I gave her a concise, seven minute explanation of my position. I quoted from memory multiple stat's from the FBI Crime Data Base.
It was chopped to seven seconds. I remember a reported with a channel 5 microphone walking around. Nobody would talk to him. When he walked by me I said "Screw Bill Fine".
I was very surprised to see a quick piece on the Fox 25 Snews this AM where they pointed out that this was being done in closed session/behind locked doors/away from prying eyes.

They also mentioned that is was a direct response to the SCOTUS decision in Bruen and they even had a VERY positive quote from the Plymouth police chief. (portions of the letter quoted below)
It seems people are catching on this smelly piece of refuse for what it is.

“As I enter my third year as your police chief, responsible for overseeing the 123 sworn men and women who serve the more than 60,000 of you day in and day out, my duty compels me to speak up.

“I have read the relevant portions of H.D. 4420, a bill proposing a substantial rewrite of Massachusetts’ existing gun laws. Despite claims this bill attempts to stem the flow of illegal firearms into the state while increasing protection from gun violence, I see no language that would lead one to believe this rationale to be true. Instead, it appears the only thing this bill will accomplish is turning thousands of our law-abiding residents into criminals overnight.

“This bill seems more designed to invade the privacy and vandalize and confiscate the property of law-abiding citizens than it does protecting them.

“As we saw all too clearly this week in the State Forest, our issue is with criminals who have guns NOW, not those we stand to make into criminals LATER. Instead of punishing criminals or those prohibited from possessing firearms, this bill targets lawful gun owners who are some of the most well vetted in both the Commonwealth and the entire nation. There is nothing in this bill that mandates the judicial system enforce the laws currently in full force and effect.

“When was the last time anyone served time under Bartley-Fox? For instance, we now know attempting to shoot and murder seven people, including five police officers, will result in just five to seven years in prison.
“We recently had an incident in our community where a lawfully licensed firearm holder stopped the attempted kidnapping, and potentially worse, of a woman in a domestic violence incident. This gentleman was a contractor working at a residence across the street. Under this bill, if this Samaritan did not have expressed written consent of the victim/homeowner to have his firearm on her premises, he would be subject to a criminal charge. The same goes for an off-duty Plymouth County Sheriff’s deputy who saved countless lives a few years back when he ended a stabbing rampage in a Taunton restaurant.

“Instead of being recognized as the heroes they are, they would be charged with a crime, and recognized at their arraignment.
In nothing else, this bill will make both enforcement and compliance with our laws even more complicated and confusing. As anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of trying to navigate our already-strict gun laws knows, it’s already confusing enough. The firearms law guide used by our officers already clocks in at well over 400 pages. This bill will jostle definitions and provisions all around the books with various changes, placing our laws into an even greater state of misunderstanding and chaos.

“As a licensing authority which consistently ranks within the top ten municipalities in the entire Commonwealth for the number of firearms licenses, this is of grave concern to me.

“As a law enforcement officer first and foremost, I take the duty of protecting persons from any type of violence as my ultimate mission. However, this bill targets the wrong individuals and needs to be reconsidered.

“In closing, I urge our State House delegation to withhold their support from this bill as written.”

Chief Dana. A. Flynn
I was very surprised to see a quick piece on the Fox 25 Snews this AM where they pointed out that this was being done in closed session/behind locked doors/away from prying eyes.

This is amazing to see. There have been WAY more police chiefs pushing back on this than I expected, love to see it.
About 2 weeks ago in a different thread (the long one), I brought up the idea of everyone reaching out to their police chiefs in addition to their state reps… needless to say I got HEAVILY sh*t on for the idea because it would be “a waste of time, they only care about themselves.”

Needless to say I was clearly correct and a lot of LEOs have our back on this. We’ve got to get rid of all this “it won’t do any good… “ attitudes. The worst case scenario is it doesn’t help us. But nothing is more harmful than doing nothing at all.
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