Now, this is how to raise money...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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U.S. fundraiser to feature machine guns
Tue Jul 24, 3:59 PM ET

BOSTON (Reuters) - A planned Republican fundraiser in New Hampshire aims to promote gun ownership in America by letting supporters fire powerful military-style weapons -- from Uzi submachine guns to M-16 rifles.

The Manchester Republican Committee is inviting party members and their families to a "Machine Gun Shoot" where, for $25, supporters can spend a day trying out automatic weapons, said organizer Jerry Thibodeau.

"It's a fun day. It's a family day," said Thibodeau of the August 5 event. "It's quite exciting."

Local Democrats say the event is in poor taste amid a spike in violent crime in Manchester and seeks to glorify the use of machine guns for political gain. The right to own guns has come under heightened scrutiny since the April shooting at Virginia Tech where a gunman killed 32 people.

"It is downright offensive," Chris Pappas, the Manchester Democratic party chairman, told the Union Leader newspaper.

Thibodeau said he invited all the Republican candidates in the 2008 presidential race to the event at Pelham Fish and Game Club outside of Manchester, the state's largest city, but he said they declined. He said all shooters would undergo training.

Buying a gun in New Hampshire, whose official motto is "Live Free or Die," is relatively easy.

The state does not require buyers to obtain a handgun license or undergo safety training before buying a handgun, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun-control lobby group.

I like the idea. But what's up with that last two paragraphs? What in the hell does it have to do with the rest of the article? What does buying a gun have to do with the Republican party hosting a fundraiser?

This is what chaps my ass! They just throw that in there for no reason other than a dig to gun ownership. They didn't add that you still need the 4473 and a NICS check.
according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun-control lobby group.

That's all you needed to read right there Chris. They don't need to tell the truth...
I believe that you have to buy the ammo over and above the $25 donation. I'll see if I can find the link to the flyer.
Got it.

The GOP fundraiser will be held at the Pelham Fish and Game Club. Proceeds, Thibodeau said, will be split among the party, the club and the gun supplier.

Republican party leaders are hoping for a strong showing of both novices and experienced shooters. The cost to participants is $25, plus fees for ammunition and parking.
Can't find any more info than that on the Manchester Republican Party's website, though.
It is $10.00 per car load to park (this includes the indoor flea Market and gun Show, $10.00 for a Spectators pass ( this allows you to view the event but does not give access to the shooting line), $25.00 for a shooters Pass ( this gets you onto the shooting line where you can shoot your own Sub-gun, or you can pay for loaded mags for the rental guns. (Provided by The Manchester Firing Line)

If it seems a little expensive please Keep in Mind that it is a Fund Raiser. We need to support the Manchester Republicans. Before NH becomes Northern Mass ( As far as Gun Rights are concerned).
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Important Note:: Safety is the Major Focus at this event.

If you are planning on bringing you own Machine Gun, make sure you let the people @ the Gate know, so they can direct you to the proper check in area, and all firearms Must be transported to and from the Range in a case. ( sounds redundant but people have show up @ these events with Machine Guns slung over there shoulder.)
"It is downright offensive," Chris Pappas, the Manchester Democratic party chairman, told the Union Leader newspaper.

Yes, those who subscribe to the tenets of socialist/communist policy (most
democrats) will find any kind of expression of personal freedom or responsibility
as "offensive". [rolleyes]

A quick word of caution. There will be no Filming,Recording,or Photographs allowed @ the Manchester Republican shoot @ the Pelham Fish and Game this Sunday, Per the Pelham fish and Game Board of Directors. They recieved too many requests from Film/News crews, and for Safety reasons, had to make that determination.
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