Nugent rant on the 2A

I, too, fail to see any hint of lunacy in his remarks.

Can someone point the lunacy out for me?

I think most people in society today ARE the lunatics. Those are the people and the society that consider left is right and right is wrong. Where evil is rewarded and virtue, sacrifice, self-reliance, and honor are scorned.
Count me in as someone who does not see ANYTHING "loony" in what he said.

Rather than have some slimeball shoot a bus driver over a freakin' BUS TRANSFER, I'd rather that driver (Sgt) Harvey Shild (USA) pulled out his .36 Colt and SHOT THE BASTARD.

Yeah, what the Nuge said hits a little close to home. [thinking]
He can be "out there" at times but I love his stance on the 2A. Oh, and there is nothing loony about what he said.

BTW, if he ran for president I would vote for him [smile]
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