NYC - 23 People Shot This Weekend, Murders Up 14% YTD

Jul 30, 2009
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Veteran law enforcement officers say it's been a long time since so many people have been shot in the course of just a few days. The New York City Police Department says at least 23 people where shot citywide in separate incidents between Friday night and Monday morning. But the number of victims could be even higher because of unreported cases.


As of August 8, NYPD statistics show that murders citywide are up 14.3 percent compared to last year during the same period. The number of shooting incidents and shooting victims is up 4.5 percent.....
The recent wave of gun violence has community activists crying out for help. They say it's just too easy for people to get their hands on guns. They also say it's often teenagers have the guns and many are willing to pull the trigger even during minor arguments and disputes.

"When they get into a fight earlier in the party, break up the party. When they say they are coming back, they are coming back. So if we keep the party going, they are going to come back and shoot a whole bunch of people," Cruz said.

Okay-dokey...let's ban parties! Or at least license them.

As far as the the community activists are concerned, perhaps it's time for another beer summit with our "Community Activist-in-chief." I'm sure he has a lot of experience with community problems. Being a community activist was a big part of his resume.
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