Would this work?

I’ve been told people have died from ignorantly burning poison ivy and breathing the smoke. Don’t know if true. I like the idea of putting it in home brew OC however. Really drive home the point of not messing with people.

As to the cyanide? I seriously doubt it would be enough to matter. Also, you would need a pulse to push the poison through your body. If you still have one of those, the shooter needs more training.
It surprises me that on my 1/3rd of an acre in the Communistwealth I have Five Huge Red Oak Trees and a patch of Poison Ivy. My seemingly endless acres up in the North Country no Oak or Poison Ivy. I've got a shitload of Acorns to plant and I will be cultivating a 20'x 20' patch of Poison Ivy. I just have to keep it from spreading. I can pull it out with my bear hands. If I rub it on some of my softer skin I get it. My parents and brothers get it wicked bad. When my Mom's Father was a kid, he got it in his eyes and mouth. I've got 3 Blonde fair complected Grandparents and one Sicilian. Thank God I got the greasy Sicilian blood.
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It surprises me that on my 1/3rd of an acre in the Communistwealth I have Five Huge Red Oak Trees and a patch of Poison Ivy. My seemingly endless acres up in the North Country no Oak or Poison Ivy. I've got a shitload of Acorns to plant and I will be cultivating a 20'x 20' patch of Poison Ivy. I just have to keep it from spreading. I can pull it out with my bear hands. If I run it on some of my softer skin I get it. My parents and brothers get it wicked bad. When my Mom's Father was a kid, he got it in his eyes and mouth. I've got 3 Blonde fair complected Grandparents and one Sicilian. Thank God I got the greasy Sicilian blood.

Why on earth would you want to plant poison ivy?

The shit is hard to control, it’ll get away from you. And birds will spread it by eating the seeds.

And just because you don’t have a reaction *NOW* doesn’t mean you never will. More exposure will make any reaction worse, even starting from “none”
It surprises me that on my 1/3rd of an acre in the Communistwealth I have Five Huge Red Oak Trees and a patch of Poison Ivy. My seemingly endless acres up in the North Country no Oak or Poison Ivy. I've got a shitload of Acorns to plant and I will be cultivating a 20'x 20' patch of Poison Ivy. I just have to keep it from spreading. I can pull it out with my bear hands. If I run it on some of my softer skin I get it. My parents and brothers get it wicked bad. When my Mom's Father was a kid, he got it in his eyes and mouth. I've got 3 Blonde fair complected Grandparents and one Sicilian. Thank God I got the greasy Sicilian blood.
When I was a kid I was immune to it also. I could handle it with impunity. Then one day in my late 20’s I was pulling a ladder out of a patch that had grown around it. I got covered with rash.

I also developed allergies I never had before to cats, bees and pollen. Don’t gamble on being immune forever.
I always thought Poison Ivy Oil would be better in Pepper Spray or in a Smoker. What's worse, in your eyes or in your lungs.
Your lungs will kill you.
There was a woman in Danvers back when I was in H.S. that ripped a bunch of vines off a stone wall and threw them in the yard burn.
She didn't make it.
I always thought Poison Ivy Oil would be better in Pepper Spray or in a Smoker. What's worse, in your eyes or in your lungs.
Funny story about poison ivy, or more specifically, urushiol.

A lifetime ago, someone might have been in a college dorm when meatheads decided that escalating "prank wars" were a good way to pass the time.

Bullion in the shower heads, saran wrap on toilets, air horns under seats, balloons full of shaving cream on strings to pop over doors.

Someone might have warned the meatheads to not involve them in the shitshow.

Meatheads didn't listen.

Someone might have gathered a shitload of poison ivy roots and stems, pulverized them, pressed out all the milky urushiol (the toxins that make it itchy) and went to the lab where as long as you were not making anything super dangerous or recreational, you could do most anything. (Someone also had a friend who was doing a class on traditional Asian lacquer work, which uses urushiol lacquer, plausible deniability)

This thick, waxy paste might have been carefully spread on all the door handles going into the men's rooms in the residential section of the dorm, because what guy washes his hands first?

The dean of student residents might have called a meeting regarding the pranks, and advised that they needed to stop since someone resorted to chemical warfare.

There might have been a couple dozen guys itching things during the meeting, and a couple of the guys might have had break-ups since their lady friends thought they had a venereal disease....
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