It's funny. The majority of people who say that are people who won't serve, period. Kinda makes it seem like a lot of bullshit.
Oh, the irony.
I bet.
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
Might be some age demographics at work there... Just a thought...
But certainly, its easier to say someone else should be tolerant in a situation you have not chosen to enter...
Perhaps. I've noticed that younger folks tend to be more liberty minded and aren't as beholden to xenophobic rhetoric. I guess that plays out here.
Look, whether you like it or not YOU HAVE NO IDEA what the hell you are talking about. All I can say is probably the military wouldn't want the likes of you.
No you don't know what it is like. JCETTO said it best. Now if you don't like it it is called the military bubbas section for a reason. Don't like the answers leave.
We have more dogs in this fight than you do. You want to be an ass about things, I won't play nice.
Look plenty of us have served with someone that is gay or lesbian, now if you don' t like what has been said you can go pound sand.
As I have stated I served with an E-7 that was gay, did I care NO, what he did outside of work, the barracks is his business not mine. There are plenty of reasons why Don't ask Don't tell shouldn't be taken away. Someone else posted why, you obviously don't like what has been said or the reasons.
You still don't get it and you won't. SO at this point take your argument elsewhere.
Of course.
![Roll Eyes [rolleyes] [rolleyes]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/042.gif)
Either put up a cogent argument or don't even bother posting. "Oh, you wouldn't understand." Right. Well this is hardly representative of a Mensa Members Meeting going on here, so give me your best shot.
Nevermind. I get it. "Unit cohesion".
Wait, how about negative repping me over it? Wait, looks like you just did that.