OCT 13th 2024 NES Bullet Casting Seminar!!!

I’m looking to get into reloading and also intrigued by casting. A couple of questions that are probably dumb, but I’ll ask anyways
  1. Are coated bullets ok to shoot thru glocks or is that a no-no?
  2. I see people talk about using wheel weight lead, are you all buying wheel weights from somewhere or do you dig thru the dumpster at Sullivan tire?
I’m looking to get into reloading and also intrigued by casting. A couple of questions that are probably dumb, but I’ll ask anyways
  1. Are coated bullets ok to shoot thru glocks or is that a no-no?
  2. I see people talk about using wheel weight lead, are you all buying wheel weights from somewhere or do you dig thru the dumpster at Sullivan tire?
Coated and cast and fine in glocks if you do it right. There are a bunch of threads on CastBoolits forum about the nuances. It’s not hard it’s just different.
Lots of people have luck with powder coated also.

If Sullivan threw them in the dumpster I would pick them out. However all of the tire shops sell them for scrap or sell to some local scrounger like us.
Find your local tire shop and see what they have. Or look online. Lots of places will sell you cleaned ingots of WW lead for about $1 a pound shipped. Which works out to be way cheaper than buying bullets.
Should we expect an individual email? Sent paypal a while back, and see the 13 October date here. Can you send location details in email if you don't want to share them here?
I’m looking to get into reloading and also intrigued by casting. A couple of questions that are probably dumb, but I’ll ask anyways
  1. Are coated bullets ok to shoot thru glocks or is that a no-no?
  2. I see people talk about using wheel weight lead, are you all buying wheel weights from somewhere or do you dig thru the dumpster at Sullivan tire?
They are fine but need to be cleaned regularly if your lazy like ne buy a lone wolf barrel no worries. That's what I do glock is my go too have almost all of them no 10mm
Coated and cast and fine in glocks if you do it right. There are a bunch of threads on CastBoolits forum about the nuances. It’s not hard it’s just different.
Lots of people have luck with powder coated also.

If Sullivan threw them in the dumpster I would pick them out. However all of the tire shops sell them for scrap or sell to some local scrounger like us.
Find your local tire shop and see what they have. Or look online. Lots of places will sell you cleaned ingots of WW lead for about $1 a pound shipped. Which works out to be way cheaper than buying bullets.
At the moment with the amount of non lead showing up in Tire shop used weight buckets its not worth it unless you get them for free and are retired! Along with the increased cost to melt it down.

By all means grab any scrap lead you can especially free! and stock pile it for future needs.

Smelting scrap lead is a sub hobby of casting and worth getting into over all
Heck because of some of the deals out there I bought cast bullets allready made up , sized and lube because it was not much more than my cost and time to do it myself….
Thanks again to @38ExtraSpecial and @pastera for putting this together again and @pastera for hosting it. Appreciate all your efforts. Always great to have a chance to meet other NESers. I don't know if this is my 5th or 6th time attending but I always learn something new. Thanks again.
Happy to have you again man!

Yes a big thanks to @pastera for hosting. Couldn’t do it without his knowledge either!
Just saw this pop up on FB marketplace. Thought one of you may be interested. (would not surprise me if the seller was in this thread...)

"Lead casting supplies and equipment $300
Listed 18 hours ago
Lebanon, CT
Over 150 lbs lead (closer to 180 lbs), 20 lbs linotype lead, ingot mold, ladel, nine mm 2 cavity lee mold(new), 20lb lee melting pot (new, never used), 10lb lee melting pot, and a few pieces of pewter."

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