Offset Iron Sights?


NES Member
Jan 7, 2022
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Does anyone do it and do you like it? I have a PA SLX 5X as my main sight but for shooting closer distances would like to use iron sights. Would having them offset effect there use if they were both mounted on the handguard? Also what would your opinions be on a tritium post and rear aperture?
I have a magpul set of canted BUIS on my Steyr Aug. The sights are pretty close together so its not ideal, but i can still hit stuff at 100 so im happy with it. Haven't tried them further out.
Yes, intended use was for a backup sight in case the scope was not functioning and also for CQC. Sight radius is pretty short, but it's still capable of hitting man sized steel targets at 200 yards. Could an offset rail and optic be better? Maybe, but the goal for me was something tough and reliable.

Tritium sounds fine.
Thank you for the comments, it's good to know that even with the sights being close together that you are still able to semi accurately hit targets at range. It's tough because there are so many options 😅
Thank you for the comments, it's good to know that even with the sights being close together that you are still able to semi accurately hit targets at range. It's tough because there are so many options 😅
The magpul ones are very straightforward. I haven't used any other ones but I have no complaints or concerns so far.
Does anyone do it and do you like it? I have a PA SLX 5X as my main sight but for shooting closer distances would like to use iron sights. Would having them offset effect there use if they were both mounted on the handguard? Also what would your opinions be on a tritium post and rear aperture?
You’d be much better served with an offset red dot, in my opinion. And mount it to the receiver. You can get a nice Arisaka mount that does a good job keeping it inline with the bore. They’re light and solid. Great combo with a fixed prism scope.
The bipods are really bad. The bad lever is also f***ing retarded. Their AR mags are 100% gtg. Glock mags not so much. I think my fav item of theirs is their shotgun stocks with the adjustable LOP.
Whats wrong with the glock mags? I haven't had any issues
It’s 2025 and the dot quality has improved so much that I have no concerns over a dot instead of an iron sight pair.

Im not going to war and likely you’re not either.

However, unless you have a monolithic upper I wouldn’t recommend putting a rear sight that far forward. Even then you’d be better off finding a different set that allows you to keep the rear sight on the upper receiver that doesn’t get in the way of your main optic.
Arisaka makes a bunch of different offset mounts, they likely have offset rail sections too.
I guess I'll have to do some figuring out on my end. I probably will lean toward the dot as my cross eye dominance is a pita with iron sights.
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