Ok, which NES-er did this?

Good God, some people are too stupid to live.

""An armed man who “took it upon himself” to conduct surveillance outside a sporting goods store in suburban Seattle has been charged with murder after he fatally shot in the back a teenager who had an airsoft gun in his pocket, prosecutors said.

Aaron Brown Myers, 51, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault in the killing of the 17-year-old, identified as H.R., according to court documents. The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back, and he died at the scene, the documents state.

“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.,” King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary and request for bail.

In a statement on Wednesday, attorneys for Myers said he was a “professional security consultant” and argued he fired in self-defense."
Mr. Myers became in fear for his own life and fired his duty weapon to defend himself.”

Interesting use of the phrase duty weapon on some random dude, not working

In that case, Myers called 911 to report that a person on a bicycle was pointing a gun at people, and Myers said he had a pistol and may have to intervene, the affidavit states. Myers then followed the bicyclist and told police he thought he might have to shoot the person. Officers arrived at the scene and determined the bicyclist’s item was not a gun but “a silver metal object that was possibly a part to a bicycle,” the document states.

These people who see a firearm and freakout are weird
Open carry is legal in the state in question
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f***ing crazy right there. the whole west coast is spiraling down the drain. people need to observe before they come out swinging.
What's up with people shooting kids with fake guns lately.

When police arrived, they found the homeowner pointing a gun at one person, while a man lay wounded just inside the back fenceline, authorities said. Paramedics later pronounced him dead. A third suspected burglar, who was holding a replica gun, was also found by officers on the property, according to police.
What a f***ing dipshit. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life.

If the judge hands down one of those life + 100 years, they should keep his dead ass in jail and not let his children or grandchildren the opportunity to give him a respectable burial.

It’s asshats like this guy that give us all a bad name.
Good God, some people are too stupid to live.

""An armed man who “took it upon himself” to conduct surveillance outside a sporting goods store in suburban Seattle has been charged with murder after he fatally shot in the back a teenager who had an airsoft gun in his pocket, prosecutors said.

Aaron Brown Myers, 51, was charged with second-degree murder and second-degree assault in the killing of the 17-year-old, identified as H.R., according to court documents. The teen was shot once in the side and at least six times in the back, and he died at the scene, the documents state.

“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.,” King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary and request for bail.

In a statement on Wednesday, attorneys for Myers said he was a “professional security consultant” and argued he fired in self-defense."
Myers, who is not a member of law enforcement, had decided to conduct “overwatch” at the parking lot and “immediately assumed” the three teens were about to commit a violent robbery,

Overwatch?? Something tells me this guy is a member of the MGTOW group. Because someone with friends and/or a wife/gf would get some sense slapped into him.

Interesting use of the phrase duty weapon on some random dude, not working

These people who see a firearm and freakout are weird
Open carry is legal in the state in question

It's the gun he takes to the can. It's his doody-weapon. Not duty.
This is an absolutely tragic case, and one that I think has many lessons for any thoughtful gun owner.

There is one particular issue in this case which I don't see discussed as often as I think would be helpful. When I talk to people about self defense cases that have "negative outcomes," that outcome is usually that the law abiding person gets shot. But there is another type of negative outcome, where at the end of the incident, an innocent person has been shot, and the only functioning firearm belonged to the lawful gun owner.

There are many possible stories that can lead to this type of negative outcome, and these stories may include knives, replica guns, domestic violence, group assault, or mistaken identity. The summary that "there was only one gun, and now an innocent person has been shot," may be a very unfair oversimplification of the story. And yet, in other ways, if it is true, then it is fair. I believe that a properly trained mindset considers these situations, and that restraint and de-escalation should be front of mind if they are in any way possible.

Regarding the case in this thread, it doesn't sound like a defensive incident with a "negative outcome." If the facts are as alleged, there was no defense, just homicide. But that may still be a lesson about the worst possible outcome from poor mindset.
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