One of the things you didn't hear about in the media


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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Was about the protest that took place St. Patty's Day in Washington DC. The anti war protesters were going to deface the meorials of our service members. The anti war crowd had a year to come up with the numbers which they did at 10,000, but the Vets that went down to protect these monuments had a couple of months when they found out and showed up 30,000 strong.
Here are some links of it.
I've been hearing a lot about this on Patriot - 144. It sounds as if this was absolutely great. Two veterans put this together in 6 weeks and kicked the anti-war protesters ass.

They are also playing clips of Cindy Sheehan’s speech. She is a communist supporter for sure. I don't know if she has always believed the stuff she is spewing or if the death of her son has put her off the deep end. The people egging her on and following her are truly a bizarre bunch.

Thank you for the links!!!!!
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Somewhat on topic... little steamed [angry]
Why we need to go back to WWII style media, regardless of it being Year 2000+.

- No civilian news people with, on or near the military, period
- All media is screened through the "war department" before release
- Nothing against us troops but, Cameras and any recording media devices are banned intertheater. There was way too much media leaked via troops in this war that directly effected them.
- Companies like CNN report all negative stories cause ppl watch it.
- Average Americans have little to no knowledge of military tactics and the art of war, even with new technology precision weapons its not good enough.

Another good example.
Somalia the media didn't care. They only focused on the people dieing of hunger not the ones helping and dieing from bullets. It took a Somali video of a poor dead American crewchief, dragged and used as if a game trophy for some of them to broadcast, otherwise... Years later it took the Internet, a book, and a movie for people to somewhat see what really happened and the soldiers that survived were tossed on a plane and sent home with comrades dead and asking what the hell was it all for.

Thank you the 30,000 Vets and supporters, if you weren't there who knows what might have happened. Just sad the people that defended this country now have to defend their own from defacing American Symbolism and History.
So true what you said. Those of us the grew up in the VietNam era remember and are making sure these guys don't have to deal with the same things they did.[wink] Alot of us go outof our way to thank them and know that they are appreciated.
It wasn't cool to be in the military what so ever when I joined, early 80's. I'll be damned if these guys are made to feel like crap for serving and doing their duty to their country.
So true what you said. Those of us the grew up in the VietNam era remember and are making sure these guys don't have to deal with the same things they did.[wink] Alot of us go outof our way to thank them and know that they are appreciated.
It wasn't cool to be in the military what so ever when I joined, early 80's. I'll be damned if these guys are made to feel like crap for serving and doing their duty to their country.

Well said MrsWW. Well said. [grin]
Thanks for the links Sue. I should be getting an email soon form my bud, the retired Major. He drove there from NC with a number of others on their Harley's.
There should have been a load of non-vets standing beside the vets helping them protect those memorials.

I'm all for peaceful protest. But there comes to a point that you go beyond your rights as an American.
I just joined here and was surprised to find this thread.

I was there for the Gathering of Eagles. It was a great event for patriots...not so good for hippies.
I just joined here and was surprised to find this thread.

I was there for the Gathering of Eagles. It was a great event for patriots...not so good for hippies.

Thanks for that Popeye. A friend of mine from NC (retired Marine Major) road there on his bike with a number of other vets. All I can say is it's a good thing the hippies didn't start a bunch of crap with him. He'd probably still be in jail in DC. [laugh]
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