Oops. Missing Bushmaster M4!

M4. Nice. Many years ago I was asked by a detective at a PD to transfer a M16A2 out of the dep't and to him. It was in there on a Form5, so no problem. Form3 to me, Form4 to him. In return he gave me police "love letters" needed to bring in my post sample subguns and he had a Colt M16 for the $200 tax. One hand washes the other. Jack.
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Probably hanging around long pond eating the chicken legs hanging in the bushes...
Sorry, That really sucks.
So I actually just texted my mom about him after i posted. Turns out he escaped and ended up at the old owner. Who kept him. We were all coast guard families. So that good news
Amateurs... when they get to the point that they need to spend half a mil to "upgrade" an evidence room because your department is corrupt like this one let us know...

I can remember, back when a lot of you were still pissing your pants,(have I said that before), a lot of surplus Colt M16s and Reisings were available to dealers and PDs. $500 for the Colts and $300 for the Reisings. They were transferrable and PD's got some to "play with" for the gunnies in the departments and got sold off thru distributers later.. Seldom, if ever carried as patrol guns, so if some went missing. no one really GAS. I had two Reisings with Texas PD markings. Come 1986, $500 became $5000 and up fast so missing ones became a more serious issue because of $$. Jack.
M4. Nice. Many years ago I was asked by a detective at a PD to transfer a M16A2 out of the dep't and to him. It was in there on a Form5, so no problem. Form3 to me, Form4 to him. In return he gave me police "love letters" needed to bring in my post sample subguns and he had a Colt M16 for the $200 tax. One hand washes the other. Jack.

I know I failed 2nd grade math, but Form5 minus Form3 should equal Form2. He gave you 2 too many back. ;)

(Jack - it's a joke. We don't need a big explanation. LOL)

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