Opinion on Auto Ordnance 1911

I have a RIA 1911a1....I love it...paid $390 for it with 2 mags 2 years ago.

I put 600 rounds through it and no issues.
I have the Auto Ordnance 1911A1( 100th Anniversary). I have put 200 rds or so through it, without an issue. I also recently bought the Auto Ordnance Tommy Gun and that runs flawless too.
Guys decided to buy one. Love the way it looks and feels. Now need to find some ammo to shoot it. :-)

And --- how is it? Any problems?

I have one on my radar and am interested in your first hand experience.

Generally it seems like most of the replies to the op are positive.

I like the look of the auto ordnance - but I want it to shoot well too. Looking at the Auto Ordnance for a long term project gun but shooting well ootb is a definite plus.
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