Oppose the Confirmation of Holder to AG

Jan 3, 2009
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Use the web links to e-mail the members of the Judiciary comittee to oppose the confirmation of the radically anti-gun Eric Holder:

The Members:

Patrick J. Leahy - Chairman, D-Vermont


433 Russell Senate Office Bldg
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4242 Fax 202.334.3479

Herb Kohl - D-Wisconsin


330 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4903
Phone: 202-224-5653 Fax: 202-224-9787

Dianne Feinstein - D-California


United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3841 Fax: (202) 228-3954

Russell D. Feingold - D-Wisconsin


506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4904
Phone: 202-224-5323 Fax: 202-224-2725

Charles E. Schumer - D-New York


313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3201
Phone:202-224-6542 Fax:202-228-3027

Richard J. Durbin - D-Illinois


309 Hart Senate Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
9 am to 6 pm
(202) 224-2152 - ph (202) 228-0400 - fx

Benjamin L. Cardin - D-Maryland


509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-4524 Fax: 202-224-1651

Sheldon Whitehouse - D-Rhode Island


Hart Senate Office Building Room 502
Washington, D.C. 20510
202-224-2921 phone 202-228-6362 fax

Arlen Specter - Ranking Member, R-Pennsylvania


711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3802
Phone:202-224-4254 Fax:202-228-1229

Orrin G. Hatch - R-Utah


104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4402
Phone: 202-224-5251 Fax: 202-224-6331

Charles E. Grassley - R-Iowa


135 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-1501
(202) 224-3744 No Fax Listed

Jon Kyl - R-Arizona


730 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-4521 Fax: 202-224-2207

Jeff Sessions - R-Alabama


335 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0104
Phone: 202-224-4124 Fax: 202-224-3149

Lindsey Graham - R-South Carolina


290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5972 Fax: 202-224-3808

John Cornyn - R-Texas


517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4304
Phone:202-224-2934 Fax: 202-228-2856

Sam Brownback - R-Kansas


303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6521 Fax: 202-228-1265

Tom Coburn - R-Oklahoma


172 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-3603
Phone: 202-224-5754 Fax: 202-224-6008

... and here we have one of the things about our system that enrages and frustrates me. I saw this posting and said to myself "self, great idea... contact those who will vote and participate in this confirmation and make your views about the candidate known"

I did so...

To which I received mostly email responses that said "thanks but we only accept and respond to emails from constituents of <enter state>"

I know my Senators and Reps at the national level will likely never come to agree with me and vote my way on most issues and those from other states (perhaps rightly so) don't much care about the opinion of those from outside their states/districts.

Frustrating... But I'll fight the good fight anyway when something of interest comes up...
where was the NRA on this?

Probably saving their thunder and $$$ for future legislative fights and assuming this one is more or less a lost cause.

In regards to frustration... I just sent Thank You letters to my state reps who both happen to be A rated by GOAL... Made me feel a little better... [grin]
Maybe you couldn't, but I could, and did already. One of them (Leahy) can't get away telling me what he told you, unless he wants to lose his next re-election.

I am contacting you to express my concerns on the pick for Attorney General, Eric Holder.

I find him to be in deep conflict with some of the ideals most Vermonters stand for, especially his views on Gun Control.

I would like you to know that some of us will be watching your votes on all of these confirmations, and will be considering those votes when your next re-election comes up.

We would LOVE to be able to say to our friends and acquantances that Sen Leahy supports what most Vermonters believe in, but, we also aren't afraid to tell everybody we know that we think that Sen Leahy does NOT support what most Vermonters believe in. What we say will be YOUR choice, based on your record. Please make it a good one, not a bad one.

And, you know full well what Vermonters think about Gun Control, regardless of party affiliation.
Yeah the response of 'we will only listen to constituents' is frustrating.

But I only think it happened to 3 or 4 of the members.

Thanks for participating.
I get more legislative alerts from Gun Owners of America than I do the NRA.

Here is what is in the subject lines of some recent NRA emails:

-The best time of year to save on Health Insurance
-10-day extension authorized for valued NRA Members
-Compare rates of leading companies head to head and save
-NRA Rifle and Shotgun Preferences Survey
-NRA Fold Up Decoys Newsletter - The official decoy of the NRA
-No Risk NRA Wines- Only $6.99 & FREE Shipping
-New Rules On Right-To-Carry In Our National Parks Take Effect Today
-Attention Hunters: Please Attend Safari Club International's Wildlife Law Seminar on Saturday, January 24!

and from GOA:
-Help Stop Eric Holder From Becoming Attorney General
-Olofson Update
-National Geographic TV Takes Aim At Your Guns
-Pardon Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean
-Urgent -- President Bush
-GOA-PVF*Year End Report

I'm a life member of both organizations (GONH too). I wish the NRA would spend less money on the BS promotions and gimmicks - I've told them so!

After listening to Tom Gresham's podcast I took the steps to contact my Senators (via email and web forum) about my desire for them to oppose the Holder appointment.

Like others have said on this thread - where was the NRA on this. I think it is the job of all the gun rights organizations to alert us to what is coming up and what to look out for. Let me know and I'll write the letters, make the calls, and send the emails.

Participate in the Democracy!!!

David Codrea's War On Guns Blog has mention of other reasons for rejecting holders nomination besides guns for those people like us in Ma. that have senators and other reps. that won't listen to us if we mention guns as a reason to reject his nomination.

I agree, the e-mails I sent had a different message for the Democrats than the Repubs, as all the Dems on the commitee are anti-gun.
Here's the answer I got from Sen Kennedy after charing my opposition to Holder as AG:
Dear Mrs. (Becka):

Thank you for your correspondence on the nomination of Eric Holder to be United States Attorney General. I appreciate the opportunity to share my views on this important issue..

I strongly support the confirmation of Eric Holder to be our nation's first African American Attorney General. Throughout his long record of public service, he has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to use independent prosecutorial judgment, and I believe he is uniquely suited to restore the rule of law in our government and non-partisan professionalism in the Department of Justice.

At this critical time in our nation's history, the mission of the Department of Justice's is vital to America 's interests both at home and abroad, and it is with great enthusiasm that I support Mr. Holder's confirmation.

Thank you again for contacting me regarding this important issue.

Edward M. Kennedy
I think that our Reps have forgoten that there not in office to push there own opinions, but to represent the Will of the people.
It dosnt matter if there Pro Gun or Anti Gun. When they take office they no longer should use there own personal opinion as how they vote, but the general consensis of what the people who they represent think on the matter.
I think that our Reps have forgoten that there not in office to push there own opinions, but to represent the Will of the people.
It dosnt matter if there Pro Gun or Anti Gun. When they take office they no longer should use there own personal opinion as how they vote, but the general consensis of what the people who they represent think on the matter.

Yes, your reps are supposed to do this, that's why they only have a 2 year term of office - so if they don't you can toss them out.

Senators, OTOH, are supposed to use their 'wisdom' and are allowed to deviate from the popular opinion - which is why they sit for 6 years & have to be older then reps.

Read the Federalist Papers for easily the best description of how our government is SUPPOSED to work.

This is also why electing the RIGHT man or woman to the senate is so bloody important - and why we're so screwed with our 2 losers.
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