Optic for deer hunting at 100 yards with .308 'Scout' rifle.


NES Member
Apr 16, 2009
Gone to Carolina in my mind...
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friend has a lease and asked if I might want to go deer hunting. said all their shots are usually 100 yards and in from either a ground blind or tree stand.

Most suitable gun I have is a .308 Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle.

It currently has a 2 - 7x long eye relief scout scope on it.

Options include leaving it as-is, going back to open sights, putting a 4 - 16x Nikon BDC scope over the receiver, or putting a red dot on it (on the forward rail).

friend has a lease and asked if I might want to go deer hunting. said all their shots are usually 100 yards and in from either a ground blind or tree stand.

Most suitable gun I have is a .308 Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle.

It currently has a 2 - 7x long eye relief scout scope on it.

Options include leaving it as-is, going back to open sights, putting a 4 - 16x Nikon BDC scope over the receiver, or putting a red dot on it (on the forward rail).

I think 4-16 is overkill. I'm using 6x at 300 yards. People with better eyes probably are using even less.

I think your current set up is more than enough. But iron sights are awful tempting at that range.

I sit my 357 lever action out to a 100 yards with iron sights. In pretty comfortable with it.

308 is lots of gun at that range.
All the options I listed are what I have on-hand. I'll verify zero with the scout scope and probably go with that. It really is what I got it for. Practice both eye open as it's intended. Wasn't sure if I wanted the Nikon on it if having it over the receiver was any better vs the forward-mounted Hi-Lux 2-7x. The Nikon is a far nicer scope but for 100 yards I should be good w/ the Hi-Lux.

thanks guys
Tree stand hunting, ground and pound, bump and dump, spot and stalk, driving..... what kind of "deer hunting" exactly? Tactics matter.

That said, if the 2x7 is already on the rifle and zeroed, I would be inclined to just leave it alone and run what you got.
tree stand or ground blind. The one deer I shot in MA was gotten with a shotgun slug while still hunting on my way in to my ground blind setup.
tree stand or ground blind. The one deer I shot in MA was gotten with a shotgun slug while still hunting on my way in to my ground blind setup.

Just stick with the 2x7. Most of your shots will be in close, especially from the blind. So just keep the power down at 2x. From the stand will depend on terrain. But that could stretch a bit as your line of sight is over the cover. I think the 2x7 is probably close to perfect for that use case actually.

Burris makes some good scout scopes that allow for 10-12 inches of eye relief. Put this on my MIA Scout

Stay with the 2-7 scope. Leave it set at 2x in case a deer pops out close, turn it up if one is farther away. You always have time to turn up magnification on distant deer and can get away with the extra movement. Not the case if one appears real close

I spent a lot of fall hunts in deer camp with 10 guys, when we each had tags for three deer. So I would help anyone track a wounded deer. A 12 gauge ( slugs) with a 2X EER scope out on barrel was the fastest thing for me to get on a wounded deer that got up close
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