Other public hearings next week (3/4 and on).


NES Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Public Hearing & Kittery Trading Post/Cabela's Update​

There are three important public hearings scheduled for next week. We apologize for the late notice but they were just scheduled yesterday. If you can, please come to the State House in Augusta and testifying. If you cannot testify in person, please consider submitting testimony online (a separate email will be sent regarding online testimony submission).
Waiting period legislation is also being re-introduced, we will forward information on that when we have it.
If you have to pick one day or the other, as most of us will, Thursday would be the best day to show up for in-person testimony.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 11:30 AM
State House (Augusta), Room 438:
LD 2086 " An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Disposition of Forfeited Firearms"
Click Here for the language of this bill. PLEASE NOTE, there is a dangerous amendment that has been proposed to this bill that would change the definition of a "machine gun" in Maine to include certain semi-automatic firearm modifications that is not currently available for viewing on the maine.gov website.
Machine Gun Amendment Language
LD 2119 "An Act to Support Suicide Prevention by Allowing the Voluntary Waiver of Firearm Rights"

Bill language can be found here.

This bill is problematic because people can be coerced into giving up their rights, and there is no path outlined for someone to follow should they change their minds and want their ownership rights back.

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 11:30 AM
State House, Room 438​

LD 2224 (GOVERNOR'S BILL) "An Act to Strengthen Public Safety by Improving Maine's Firearm Laws and Mental Health System"

Bill language can be found here.

As it is worded now, Gun Owners of Maine will be opposing the Governor's Bill, LD 2224 in its entirety. We were hopeful, given its broad scope, that we would be able to support some of the Governor's proposals concerning access to mental health care and crisis centers, however, the current wording leaves an open door to a gun registry, which we oppose.

We do not feel that Maine's current law needs to be amended, but rather enforced, when it comes to our current community protection and weapons restriction orders, known to some as "Yellow Flag Laws". If the necessary funding is not in place to allow for the enforcement of current law, this is something that needs to be addressed at a budgetary level, rather than restricting the rights of Maine citizens.

The Governor's proposals around background checks are equally as concerning. Background checks have never been shown to decrease violent crime in any way. Further infringing on the rights of law-abiding Maine residents by expanding background checks in Maine cannot be enforced unless a gun ownership registry is formed. Furthermore, criminals who know they will not pass a background check will not submit to that process. We oppose the expansion of background checks adamantly.

Kittery Trading Post/Cabela's Support

There will be information about a date to come out to Kittery Trading Post to show support for them following calls from legislators for them to stop selling certain semi-automatic firearms.

The NRA has crafted a petition in conjunction with Gun Owners of Maine that can be signed to show support as well, please consider signing!

Sign Petition

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors

If you have any questions email info@gunownersofmaine.org
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