I've got a Para P14-45. It's an early gun so my experience may not be indicative of current Para quality.
I tended to get failures to feed towards the end of a magazine, now and then. I did replace the magazine springs and the mags were all new ParaOrd mags. I had a gunsmith in NH do a trigger job on the gun. A few thousand rounds after that, the hammer started following the slide. The gunsmith told me the problem was that the internal parts (hammer, sear, etc.) were soft and would have to be replaced. So were the parts bad or was that caused by the gunsmith? I dunno.
In addition, the slide stop notch has started to deform. I've got many, many more rounds through my Kimber without similar wear.
Finally, my ParaOrd has the old style sights (i.e., the kind that I can't see), the standard grip safety, and standard thumb safety. I greatly prefer high visibility sights, a beavertail grip safety, and an extended thumb safety. One of these years I'll get my Para rebuilt the way I want it. For now, it's a safe queen.