Even if it is private the idea that another government official is using their power on a 3rd party to Silence you is kind of an infringement....
the post doesn't actually state who asked them, or whether she was involved in the request at all.

I assume that the venue asked them to leave. but either way goal presenting part of the information, potentially showing a major lack of understanding of the first amendment doesn't do any good for anyone. rage-bait only ever hurts the conversation; leave it for the youtubers and bloggers, not an org that represents a lot of gun owners, in an already hostile environment.
Still sounds like discrimination though
If you were having a yard sale on your property and some soccer mom set up in your driveway with a petition asking people to sign supporting some left wing moonbat proposal do you have the right to ask her to leave?
If you were having a yard sale on your property and some soccer mom set up in your driveway with a petition asking people to sign supporting some left wing moonbat proposal do you have the right to ask her to leave?
Tag sales usually happen in the summer months. So now I would have a summer time use for my snow plow. :D
If you were having a yard sale on your property and some soccer mom set up in your driveway with a petition asking people to sign supporting some left wing moonbat proposal do you have the right to ask her to leave?
Not even close to comparable

Did the coalition pay for a spot there at the Big E? Or did they just setup camp each day

I understand it’s private property
So I guess certain special people have priority
If you were having a yard sale on your property and some soccer mom set up in your driveway with a petition asking people to sign supporting some left wing moonbat proposal do you have the right to ask her to leave?

Yes. The Government can not tell you to get off private property of another without agreement from the property owner. And it sounds like they bullied the property owner into telling them they have to leave.
I can see "Sign it then print your name", but just printing your name? How is that going to be verified? I don't think my bank would take me printing my name in the signature line of a check. I can't see why the town clerk will do so here.

950 CMR 55.03 (1)(b): The name is not signed substantially as registered - the registrars cannot identify the signature as that of a voter because of form of signature
IANAL, but I do know that I sure as hell didn't print my name on my voter registration form.
They stopped teaching cursive in Mass schools. Most kids can't sign their name other than print. I find it hard to believe since Electronic signing is legal, that print wouldn't be. My grandmother was illiterate and her marking an x on documents was considered legal.
I just checked my on x hunt ap and the land is private owned as ESE.....and run bu a not for profit board. It's not a government run thing and not on land owned by the government. So.....you would be correct......there is no 1a violation by kicking the petitioners out.
Private property except for the Avenue of the states. The state buildings and property are owned by each individual state.

Joshua Brooks wanted the Exposition to be a truly regional event. He believed that to achieve this, each of the six New England states should construct a building that could display both its character and its products. The Avenue of the States was born.

Massachusetts contributed a replica of the Boston State House in 1919. This was followed by buildings from Maine and then Vermont. In the 1930’s, both New Hampshire and Connecticut contributed their structures and in 1958, Rhode Island finished its building. An interesting fact about this famous Avenue is that each state owns its building and the land the structure is built upon. Thus, visitors to the Exposition can literally stroll through all six New England States. And, as they travel, they can sample both the architectural style and the traditional foods and wares that exemplify each state.
What the heck do you expect from and socialist dimpled piece of crap like Dimples Healey? Democrats are pathetic! Used to be a decent political party but that was many moons ago!
They stopped teaching cursive in Mass schools. Most kids can't sign their name other than print. I find it hard to believe since Electronic signing is legal, that print wouldn't be. My grandmother was illiterate and her marking an x on documents was considered legal.
Sure, but the “X” would match her registration card. Same for non-cursive people. Electronic signatures can be parsed through an IP address (not that they would, but they can be). But my voter registration card has a signature, not my printed name.
I have to wonder - do they really only ahve 25K signatures? Or is this the old Channel 2 trick - don't tell em how many you have until it's all over so as many people as possible sign?

I'm not AGAINST it, but it's causing me stress. LOL. I'm HOPING we are already up to 50K or damned near it with less than 2 weeks to go.

I know Armour Sports is dropping off petitions like crazy. They dropped 11 to Taunton for certification last week. 11 in one week. Even with cross-outs, that's 150 people. Just one shop. And just one (albeit the biggest in teh area) town.

If you haven't signed, SIGN! I even dragged my wife down. (This was the first time in weeks we had a free moment.)
If we happen to get the 50,000, ..even after some sigs are disqualified....you can sure as s..t bet there will other underhanded things to come up short . f these awful people
If we happen to get the 50,000, ..even after some sigs are disqualified....you can sure as s..t bet there will other underhanded things to come up short . f these awful people

Yeah. Maura will just emergency-power it. It'll look bad, but to whom? Although the Leg is already changing the law b/c it was so stupid in the first place. And the SCoMA is already b-slapping ancient laws in a similar vein. This thing as NO chance of surviving long term. That wont' stop a tyrant. :(
Until whatever state you move to begins shifting blue. While I don't disagree, states like ma and cali that do this are testing grounds for these laws to be done.

Politicians are going to the extremes to see what will stick, who will come out, what the courts say, etc and will not only push say an anti gun bill but will also continue to push the envelope on controversial and unconstitutional laws. Hell now Hillary is saying they should ban "misinformation"?! Newsom just signed a law against "anti deep fake"? You roll on one issue, they know you'll roll on another until we look like Maos China.

While ma isn't a strong pro 2a state by any means, that shouldn't prevent outside pro 2a groups or even companies from working, promoting etc here. You want to stick it to the grabbers? Do business and promote 2a then.
know what you are up against. it must be rejected for your kids, your grandkids, and the republic.

For those of us collecting signatures, anyone know of a good summary of the most objectional things in HD4885 for people who know nothing about it and are ambivalent about 2A stuff? I'm talking the Linda's from Belmont type people.

Most summaries I've seen are too far in the weeds or too "shall not be infringed" to persuade normies. This PDF from GOAL is decent but I'm looking for something more compelling.
For those of us collecting signatures, anyone know of a good summary of the most objectional things in HD4885 for people who know nothing about it and are ambivalent about 2A stuff? I'm talking the Linda's from Belmont type people.

Most summaries I've seen are too far in the weeds or too "shall not be infringed" to persuade normies. This PDF from GOAL is decent but I'm looking for something more compelling.

Just tell them that it unfairly disenfranchises minorities and the LGBTQ crowd who are looking to educate and arm themselves ahead of a possible Trump presidency.
Were they allowed back in after she left? Did they ask to get let back in after she left? Who is in charge there? Do they have a policy for this, and is it being applied properly/evenly/fairly?
The signature campaign organizers than Eastern Security Safe for taking signatures on our behalf inside the Big E, at their vendor booth. Campaign signature collectors have been throttled to collect signatures only outside the Big E gates, while standing on public property. More than once, event security and local police have had to review our efforts, where local police asserted our presence outside the gates is permitted as long as we don't impede event attendees to coming and going. Despite the best efforts by those who want us to fail and to harass our efforts, we are on track to collected >70,000 pre-validated signatures. We thank the many who have supported the cause by signing. There is one week left to go, for those who have not signed yet, with many businesses supporting the cause and regional events this weekend and the coming week. We update both the business listing every 1-3 days and the event listing every day around the weekends. Fight Back
I don’t know anything about this “Big E” place.

I assume you cannot just walk in and set up shop.

Is there a contract between the petition group and the owners of venue or the Big E organizers?

What are the terms of the contract?

I agree with others and send the GOAL description of the event in post 26 to every major news network.

Share it on all our social media.
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