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I pocket a Sig238, but if you're having trouble with the 938 then a 238 isn't going to be too different. I have a BG380 that is a COMPLETE piece of shit and I would very much discourage anyone from buying one. It is completely unreliable and I'd never trust my life to a BG380. I also have a LCR in 38spl that I like, but I've never pocketed it. LCR feels too think for a pocket. Good luck!
More likely you got the odd one that works.
200 rounds isn't much of a reliability test...I got one too then. Have about 200 rounds through it and only issue was a 1 failure to load, which could have been the ammo. I love my bg380
I recommend a j frame airweight...one of the best pocket guns available IMO
NAA mini 1 5/8th barrel .22mag with 5 rounds Federal 40 gr gold dots. 5 extra rounds in NAA pocket holster. Also have a kydex holster on a neck chain and working up an elastic sheath for inside my fedora.
I call it my noisy cricket.
Today the stars finally aligned (my fresh NH drivers license, combined with the Palmetto daily deal) and I just ordered a Ruger LCP for $199. I have wanted to get one for a while but was not going to pay MA prices for one. I look forward to buying too many holsters until I find the perfect one.
I just picked up a new Kahr PM9 for pocket carry. I'm surprised so many of you also pocket carry one - what are you using for holsters?
DeSantis Nemesis. I tried the DeSantis Super Fly but found the extra flap just added too much bulk. With this setup if you are looking you can for sure see I have something in my pocket, but I doubt very much that anyone would assume it is a firearm.
I just picked up a new Kahr PM9 for pocket carry. I'm surprised so many of you also pocket carry one - what are you using for holsters?
There are a lot of people who agree with you. Personally, though, I've got a S&W 642 and it sits in my safe. I find that my Kahr PM9 conceals better, has higher capacity, is faster to reload, and is easier to shoot accurately. YMMV.
I just picked up a new Kahr PM9 for pocket carry. I'm surprised so many of you also pocket carry one - what are you using for holsters?
I picked up a J-frame (M360J) and find it too bulky for comfortable pocket carry in a desantis nemesis. Doable, but causes huge bulge in the pants I wear. Conceals nicely AIWB though in even in snug lightweight shorts.
The PM9 was on my very short list but I couldn't pass up the low price and high reliability of the J-Frame...just wish it fit better in my pocket.