Pocket pistols

Ruger LC9 is a little large but fits in a pocket pretty well and is not too heavy. There is the LC"P" in .380 as well, somewhat smaller.


Yep both great but I like the LC9 better. I am a big guy and have therefore bigger pockets I love the extra power from the 9mm.

Even Walther PPK/s is bigger than the LC9
I have one. I find it just a bit too heavy for my pocket. While I think the MK9 is better built than my PM9, I carry the PM9 instead.

I've still never shot one of these, but the long trigger pull does bug me. It seems like a nice mid-size gun to carry though.
I've still never shot one of these, but the long trigger pull does bug me. It seems like a nice mid-size gun to carry though.

It isn't a range gun, but it works for what it is. I think it is better than my 642, which has had a trigger job.
the LC9 trigger weight comes in at right over 8lbs, there is a guy on you tube who shows it with a scale clearly. there are a few options for trigger mods on this gun, and more to come.

Have you tried any of the trigger mode for the LC9, or can you recommend some names? I've got a friend with an LC9, and I gotta tell you... that trigger SUCKS. We're talking golf ball through a stainless steel washing machine hose kind of sucks. I'd love to know how to smooth that POS up.
Like my Seecamp! they are really nice as a pocket gun! :)

Yes, as long as you read the manual.

If you don't, you WILL be punished. [rofl]

That handgun has the weirdest manual of arms on the planet.

Like my Seecamp! they are really nice as a pocket gun! :)

I used to have an NAA .32, which was similar in size to a Seecamp. But once I got my Kahr PM9, the NAA lived in the safe. I sold the NAA last year and don't miss it.
Yes, as long as you read the manual.

If you don't, you WILL be punished. [rofl]

That handgun has the weirdest manual of arms on the planet.


Its not THAT bad.

  • hit mag catch
  • pull back slide to eject chambered round (with mag still in place)
  • remove mag
  • pull back slide and put spent casing in "stove pipe" position
  • put something in the hole to free slide from catch
  • yank off

I will make you not hate the Seecamp Mike, even if it kills me. [rofl]

Besides, they are nice enough to give an extra spring for when you $%^#$ up the first one. [laugh]
Good point. I am still so new everything, to me, has to also be a range gun.

Hmmm...my wallet is starting to ache...

The Kahr MK9 isn't bad to shoot, but it has a short sight radius and you can only get two fingers on the grip. So you're not going to want spend a couple hours at the range putting a couple hundred rounds through it. It is a pocket gun, and like all pocket guns, the things that make it easy to fit in a pocket make it harder to shoot.
Its not THAT bad.
  • hit mag catch
  • pull back slide to eject chambered round (with mag still in place)
  • remove mag
  • pull back slide and put spent casing in "stove pipe" position
  • put something in the hole to free slide from catch
  • yank off

Taking the gun apart isn't the problem, it's just that you can't move the slide back without the mag being in the gun, and that just bugs the hell out of me.

I will make you not hate the Seecamp Mike, even if it kills me. [rofl]

Besides, they are nice enough to give an extra spring for when you $%^#$ up the first one. [laugh]

Yes, they have excellent customer service, which you will need, when you **** the gun up. [rofl]

Once nice upshot to those guns if you buy one and hate it, like I did, you will get most of your money back or possibly even more than what you paid. The limited production of those pistols induces real market scarcity.

They do look nice, too, I'll give them that much. The machining for the most part is very high quality. I can see why some people like them.

I just can't see ever touching one ever again, though. I have an LCP .380, which while flawed, does the job, and doesn't cost as much... and doesn't piss me off as much. [laugh]

Yes, as long as you read the manual.

If you don't, you WILL be punished. [rofl]

That handgun has the weirdest manual of arms on the planet.


I'll admit they are a "different animal" but I still love the Seecamp, I think the build quality is excellent and it is a tough little bugger! :)
The Kahr MK9 isn't bad to shoot, but it has a short sight radius and you can only get two fingers on the grip. So you're not going to want spend a couple hours at the range putting a couple hundred rounds through it. It is a pocket gun, and like all pocket guns, the things that make it easy to fit in a pocket make it harder to shoot.

Def...though...have you shot a 238? I mean the fact that it's .380 obviously means less recoil for a tiny gun. But if you get the extended mag....its actually kind of a fun gun to shoot. I was shooting steel with it the other week and it was pretty awesome! :D

But, no, I know what you mean. I wonder how fun the 9mm version will be to shoot. That might be too much to handle and have fun with in such a tiny frame.
Def...though...have you shot a 238? I mean the fact that it's .380 obviously means less recoil for a tiny gun. But if you get the extended mag....its actually kind of a fun gun to shoot.
I've got a Colt .380 Government Model. The 238 is basically copied from it.

It isn't bad for what it is, but awesome? No. Am I correct that you haven't shot a lot of handguns?

Shoot a 1911 with a good trigger job. Shoot a S&W K-frame with a good trigger job. Now you're talking awesome.
I've picked up a selection lately from P-32 to Colt Mustang, Gov't Model and now a Pony. I like the Pony the best because of the DAO trigger for pocket carry
For the guys with the Colts and 238. Do you carry cocked and locked in your pocket ? Let's says front jeans pocket w/a Nemesis holster or variant
For the guys with the Colts and 238. Do you carry cocked and locked in your pocket ? Let's says front jeans pocket w/a Nemesis holster or variant

Yes. What would the point be otherwise? Jeans I carry IWB as jean pockets tend to be too snug. Dress pants front pocket for certain.
I've got a Colt .380 Government Model. The 238 is basically copied from it.

It isn't bad for what it is, but awesome? No. Am I correct that you haven't shot a lot of handguns?

Shoot a 1911 with a good trigger job. Shoot a S&W K-frame with a good trigger job. Now you're talking awesome.

Haha, no I've shot enough, though I don't think any of the 1911's or K frames have had a trigger job. I do love shooting both those guns, though.

I dunno...something about that 238...it's just FUN to shoot. :D
Yes. What would the point be otherwise? Jeans I carry IWB as jean pockets tend to be too snug. Dress pants front pocket for certain.

I understand the if you going to carry, carry it loaded thing. Is the safety that stiff that you feel comfortable with it not coming off safety ? I'm not 100% familiar w/those particular guns, but it looks like a 1911 sans the grip safety. What kind of holster do you use when you pocket carry ?
I just picked up a P238, have not shot it yet. But I think this will be a great choice for carry.
I'm surprised no mention of the S&W M&P 340 (Centennial) ...the scandium, hammerless .357

It weighs 13oz empty and you have the option of light .38's to wrist snapping full power .357 Mags. This is my choice for pocket carry. What's better is that I don't have to stock up on a caliber that I wouldn't shoot otherwise (like .32ACP or 380).
I'm surprised no mention of the S&W M&P 340 (Centennial) ...the scandium, hammerless .357

It weighs 13oz empty and you have the option of light .38's to wrist snapping full power .357 Mags. This is my choice for pocket carry. What's better is that I don't have to stock up on a caliber that I wouldn't shoot otherwise (like .32ACP or 380).

Nobody mentioned it because it sucks. It's a gun meant to be carried a lot and shot very little. I know at least 2 people who have blown theirs up using factory ammunition. There are at least one or two other ones on NES that have done this, as well. The guy I learned how to reload from, his is still working OK, but he still more or less blew it up once (and not from bad reloads, this guy is stupidly cautious). It's been OK since he got it back from S&W.

That said, If offered to shoot one I'd politely decline the offer. The guns are just pain all the way around.

For the guys with the Colts and 238. Do you carry cocked and locked in your pocket ? Let's says front jeans pocket w/a Nemesis holster or variant

Yes. When I carry this pistol (which isn't all that often), in SIG-made (and marked) pocket holster.
I'm surprised no mention of the S&W M&P 340 (Centennial) ...the scandium, hammerless .357

It weighs 13oz empty and you have the option of light .38's to wrist snapping full power .357 Mags. This is my choice for pocket carry. What's better is that I don't have to stock up on a caliber that I wouldn't shoot otherwise (like .32ACP or 380).
The 340 doesn't work for me. There is no effective difference in weight between the 340 and the 642 (16 oz), but the 340 costs a great deal more. The 642 is unpleasant enough to shoot as it is, that I'd never want to shoot .357 through the 340.

Lightweight snubbies are hard to shoot well. I really can't be effective with them without a great deal of practice, and when a gun hurts to shoot, then I won't practice with it.

For me, the 340 just transforms $ into recoil.

The guns are just pain all the way around.

Yup. They start out as pain in the wallet and end up as pain in the hand.
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It's a gun meant to be carried a lot and shot very little.

True, but that probably describes 95% of all pocket sized guns. I very rarely see people practicing very much with them which is probably the biggest problem w/ carrying a pocket gun. They are harder to get on target.

I know at least 2 people who have blown theirs up using factory ammunition.

What part blew up? The cylinder is made of steel, just like any other all steel J-Frame. Are you saying the frame cracked? I've put 1000's through mine including several boxes of full power 158's.

The guns are just pain all the way around.

They are expensive, I concede that. Other than full boat .357's they really aren't that bad. I put a Hogue J-Frame aftermarket grip on to distribute the recoil a little, but I've never found them that uncomfortable.

My biggest complaint is that scandium frames are not the best for shooting lead (which I shoot alot of). Mostly b/c you can ruin the finish when you clean them. Not an issue with an all steel gun, but those are ~25oz and not very pocket friendly.
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