pointers on becoming a LEO

If you're looking to become an LEO the Mass DOC is always looking for people, it's a thankless job I know. I work with a CO at my job and he makes good money. He works with me because he "needs a fun job". You can branch out from there from what he's told me. Guy's and Gal's go there to make connections and wait for a LEO job to open up. Hell I'm waiting to get a postcard from the DOC now.
I have to disagree. The only difference between many cops and the guys that don't get hired is that the cops never got caught. We are talking about pot here now, not actual criminal activity or heroin. Just because a guy smoked some dope as a kid does not make him a bad guy. I would actually say having some life experience would make him a better officer that some squeeky clean college kid. I think if it's what he really wants to do with his life, then leave the past behind. It is a stupid standard and is not worthy of an honest answer anyway. One of the things they teach cops in the academy is that it's fine to lie to a suspect if it will get him to talk. It's cool if you lie FOR them, just not TOO them. Also, unless he was going for CIA or NSA, I would not worry about any of this coming up in a background check. I think you have too much faith in the government!

This is just my opinion so take it for what it's worth, but it looks like he has 2 choices.

1. Be honest about your youthful pot smoking and never get the job you want.

2. Lie about it and give yourself a chance.

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon of the people telling you to IGNORE everything In God We Trust is saying. First off, weekendracer is right, they will find out; BIs are REALLY good at what they do, there's a reason they get assigned that job. Second, when you get caught (and you will) it will ruin your chances of ever working in law enforcement, anywhere, because any department you apply to in the future is going to find out you lied to that one other PD. Third, as a moral/ethical issue, where does the lying end? If you justify lying to get the job, for whatever reason, what's to stop you from saying "well, this guy's a dirtbag, so I'm going to fudge the details a little to pump up the case." Could you live with yourself for that? More importantly, will ANYONE in your department show you the slightest bit of respect, trust, or desire to work with you? I'm guessing no. Just my .02, but anyone willing to lie to get the job shouldn't be in law enforcement.

However, it doesn't sound like you're in any way looking to go In God We Trust's route, so I wish you the best of luck, and when you get out on the road, stay safe, watch your back, and keep your integrity; it's the one thing no one else has any control over in your life.
Just my .02, but anyone willing to lie to get the job shouldn't be in law enforcement.

I don't mean to be rude, but are you f*cking kidding? In a perfect world I agree with you 100%. Some of the best cops I have known did exactly that. To the OP: Do what you want man and I wish you the best. If you believe that witholding a fact about your teenage years that will cost you a chance at a career you want is somehow honorable, I can respect that. Of course it is never a good idea to lie to anyone about anything, but if that is the only chance you have to get the job, I would not worry about the BI finding some of your pot smoking buddies from 10 years ago. If they do and you get disqualified, what did you lose? You were not going to get the job anyway.

Cops are great for standing on the pulpit and talking about honor, integrity and service, but just like your average Joe on the street, many of them are full of sh*t. Like the other guy talking about the DOC, I am not sure if they have "lower" standards for employment, but if you can get hired with them, its a great job. I know guys that have been doing it for years and are making tons of money.
Yea I contacted Bristol county and Plymouth county about the DOC jobs they said they are always accepting apps. I looked there standards up online they don't care if you smoked weed they only worry about how long since the last time I think it was like 3 years min. I kinda f'd myself on the maryland one I honestly don't remember how many times I smoked best number I could come up with is 13 times. I wrote down 20 on my backround packet and then when I went in for my poly 7 months later they had me fill out the same packet and I wrote 25(like I said I don't know just wanted to make sure I felt good about it on the test) and then said you changed your answer and told me I lied to them and can't be a LEO there because 20 is the limit.
glockstones, WHY did you give a number much higher than you remembered? Why didn't you just put down "don't recall, maybe 13 times" or "I can only recall 13 times, but may have done it a few more times" as an honest answer. Problem is that by documenting "25" in one app, if you ever put down fewer times you may get called on it and again accused of lying. I can't imagine that anyone keeps a score-sheet of exactly when/where they tried each drug so that they can come up with documented proof.

Life is full of lessons, learn from this one.
I just wonder who the brain surgeon is that came up with the allowable number of times that pot smoking is forgivable? "You got high 20 times? Awesome, you can be a cop! 21 times? Sorry, you are not fit to be in this profession." Like I said, treat these "rules" with the contempt they deserve.
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