Polish Tantal AK74?


NES Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Any info on it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not going to ask what it's worth in mint condition. but if you'd like to post what you've seen 'em listed as that would be appreciated.

If possible what would need to be done to this gun to make it MA compliant? I know it has a folding stock.
I have the chance to possibly pick one up for sub $400.

Thanks guys.
1. tantal IIRC comes with muzzle device that is compensator and grenade launching combo so that must go, replaced with plain compensator/brake and permanently attached (pinned/welded or hi-temp soldered)
2. collapsible/fold-able stock needs to be permanently or at least semi-permanently fixed in extended position or replaced by fixed stock.
3. bayonet lug needs to be obliterated or render incapable of accepting a bayonet.

these things should make you compliant.

if i was making it compliant i would replace tantal folding stock with ak74 style solid stock and surplus authentic ak74 compensator (non-tapco)
this should be cheap and easy fix. under 50 bucks.
welding break and disabling bayonet lug is free in my garage. otherwise might cost another 50 dollars.

it would make for a nice looking ak-74 clone. tantal is about 75% interchangable with ak-74 minus funky FCG, although your particular variation might be plain vanilla arsenal or tapco FCG conversion
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#2&3 i was aware of, #1 not so much.

anyone have more info on this gun, how it shoots?
Is it worth mass-ifying?
I have one I bought from J&G for $399 pre FR. Love the rifle. Has a Nodac receiver. Some of the early CAI Tantals had .223 barrels that caused keyholeing, but current production is fine. I believe you can check the serial # range to determine if the barrel is an oversize (.223), and IMHO I would not touch one of those.
FAIP tantal built and sold here is an ak74. Original tantal was ak74 that poles slightly re-envisioned by adding burst mode capability, side folding wire stock based on east german design of earlier AKM stocks and muzzle device that is capable of launching grenades.
gas block portion that goes onto the barrel has been extended too to acomodate new polish underbarrel grenade launcher
otherwise it's mostly compatible with ak74 as required per Warsaw Pact
since you can't own FA weapon it's most likely has standard us made FCG probably tapco g2.
poles known to make good guns so WTR to original quality i would not worry
depending on who built it here in US it could be a good gun or a project gun. find out more info from the seller.

i would definitely buy it. these days you just can buy an AK for 400 bucks. especially one that comes with folding stocks. those stocks alone go around 150-200 bucks
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The Tantals are one of the best ak-74 types ever available in the US
I built one a while back, when kits were available. I don't seem to have a finished pic on this computer, but here is a pic of the kit ready to go together. I bent the receiver up from an ak-bulder flat. Also in the pic is one of hotbarrel's US made copy of the MD. The Tantal MD is unique unto itself, nothing else is interchangeable with it. The receiver and FCG are also different from other variants due to it's 3 round burst feature.
I'll see if I can dig up a pic of the completed rifle on my home computer.


  • tant2.jpg
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The barrel issue was not with the original kits. It came about after the barrel ban went into effect and the kits no longer included the original barrel. There was a builder or two using US made .223 barrels and those rifles would keyhole.
The barrel issue was not with the original kits. It came about after the barrel ban went into effect and the kits no longer included the original barrel. There was a builder or two using US made .223 barrels and those rifles would keyhole.

you are correct.

and, from what I've seen on the internet (no personal experience here), Century Arms utilized many of these out-of-spec barrels for several tantals they built. Evidently (again, no experience here either) they corrected the problem and started sourcing barrels from a vendor who was not building them to remington's "5.45 spec"
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