Poll: Should guns have gps tracking devices?

~3,000 per year killed by illegal alien drivers (many if not most of them drunk drivers), and another ~2,000 killed by illegal aliens via other means. Yeah, we need GPS on gunz...

Yes, every life matters and I don't intend to make light of the losses, but mass shooting numbers (even the fake news numbers) are drop in the bucket compared to the illegal alien carnage.
Couldn't the bad guy just wait 24 hours and let the batteries drain, or remove the batteries? My handheld Garmin lasts 12 hours. My phone maybe 2 days if I never turn on the screen. And I have dozens of safe queens that never see the light of day nor get anywhere near a charger. I'm supposed to charge dozens of guns on a daily basis just in case I decide to use one in a crime that day? What idiots think this stuff up? Do they not even technology?
And I have dozens of safe queens that never see the light of day nor get anywhere near a charger. I'm supposed to charge dozens of guns on a daily basis just in case I decide to use one in a crime that day? What idiots think this stuff up? Do they not even technology?

Well most of these idiots would have a heart attack from you mentioning that you have dozens of guns
"Can you unplug your phone? I need to charge my phased plasma rifle. These low capacity batteries don't allow many shots in the 40 watt range."
My rifle will not be still long enough for them to attach a chip...

... and the barrel will be glowing cherry-red.
61% no now .. the thought process out there is getting out of control though. So many people seem to be poisoned with 'guns are evil'
Renewed my NRA membership today and need to check status of GOAL
Do I need to retrofit my safe with enough adapters to charge all the batteries in all the gps units attached to all my guns? Is it illegal to take it to the range if I forget and the battery is dead? Will they be standard chargers? iPhone or android? What happens if I plug my mosen charger into my Glock? Will the lithium battery explode?

All these questions.
this scares me because I'm not sure I could find the gps inside a gun with all the other electronics in there, what if i remove the wrong chip and flush it down the toilet?

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