Pols stunned shooting range operating at high school

I always find it interesting that the far left's way of handling unwanted pregnancies is to provide unlimited and uquestioned sex education K - 12, while refusing to provide any mention of abstinence.

These same people insist that the only way to end gun violence and accidents to create a prohibition of firearms and any public education of honest firearms training.

The logic escapes me!
Those pols would shit themselves if they saw what schools in the UK do......

My brother is employed by a good private school in the UK, part of his job is running the combined cadet force (CCF) for kids 12-18. Here are some examples from his school website of what they get to play with:





I always find it interesting that the far left's way of handling unwanted pregnancies is to provide unlimited and uquestioned sex education K - 12, while refusing to provide any mention of abstinence.

These same people insist that the only way to end gun violence and accidents to create a prohibition of firearms and any public education of honest firearms training.

The logic escapes me!

Lefties only ask if their policies feel good, not if they will do good.
Ten city schools run junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs, designed to promote citizenship and teach youngsters self-discipline, and Monument High has approved the firing range.

I found the problem...

This doesn't fit the liberals multi cultural (aka anti American) socialistic welfare state of a needy helpless populous they can take care of agenda.

Do any of these people understand what ROTC stands for, what it does, and what the military does? Do they have any comprehension of what positive standards programs like these teach to young people?

But why do we bother asking if these idiots understand.

I`m sure this will be eliminated soon. Oh my God! JROTC students learning how to shoot rifles?
The horror of it all!
Remember, The San Francisco school board eliminated JROTC even thou they had over 1500 kids enrolled. The school board couldn`t handle the fact that a program in their school system was teaching basic responsiblity and discipline.
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I always find it interesting that the far left's way of handling unwanted pregnancies is to provide unlimited and uquestioned sex education K - 12, while refusing to provide any mention of abstinence.

Well, you're being a bit duplicitous there. All those liberal sex education programs absolutely feature abstinence prominently. They just don't mention it exclusively.

GOAL said:
These same people insist that the only way to end gun violence and accidents to create a prohibition of firearms and any public education of honest firearms training.

I'm right with you there. Arguing that kids will have sex no matter what, so you ought to teach them the responsibilities of it, and then turning 180 degrees and saying that kids won't naturally be interested in guns and so you shouldn't encourage them by teaching them the responsibilities of gun ownership is ridiculously two faced and makes me want to puke.
I'd fathom that one of the goals of the program is to impart the safe and responsible use of weapons. What's so wrong teaching safety and responsibility? Would the moonbats rather have teens learn how to "pop a cap" on the streets of Boston or how to properly handle a firearm through an established and reputable program?
There was a time when interscholastic marksmanship teams were frequently found in high schools all over the country. This is probably still the case in some areas.

It's a shame that teaching the youth of our nation the proper way to handle weapons has become so politically incorrect and still yet another indicator of our internal decline or dare I say decay...but then whatta ya expect from people living in Boston?

Mark L.
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