Pork" Bailout Bill Could Ban Guns For Millions Of Americans

Sep 30, 2008
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"Pork" Bailout Bill Could Ban Guns For Millions Of Americans
-- Ask your Senators to oppose HR 1

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

"HR 1 is about more than just pork. Millions of gun owners stand to
lose their gun rights without any due process." -- Larry Pratt, GOA
Executive Director

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Obama administration is putting a lot of pressure on Congress to
slam through the most recent $800+ billion bailout package before anyone
has an opportunity to read it.

The Obama administration intones that the details are unimportant. The
only thing that matters is the "bigness." And, by shipping a
bill of
nearly $900 billion (plus interest) to our children and grandchildren,
the package is really, really big -- bigger, in fact, than the budget of
our entire government for the first 170 years of our country's

But now that some of the details are finally starting to leak out of
Washington, Gun Owners -- and a lot of other analysts -- are beginning
to look at the fine print. And some of it is particularly scary.

Of particular concern to gun owners are sections 13101 through 13434 of
HR 1, which would set up the infrastructure to computerize the medical
records of ALL AMERICANS in a government-coordinated database.

True, the bill doesn't mandate that the data will be in a giant computer
under the Oval Office. But it does mandate that your medical records be
reduced to a computerized form which is available to it in a second.

This it would do by establishing a National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology -- tasked with, among other things, "providing
information to help guide medical decisions at the time and place of

It should be scary enough that a government bureaucrat is directed by
statute to try to influence your doctor's decisions with respect to your
medical care.

But of even greater concern to gun owners is the fact that a
government-coordinated database (which government can freely access)
will now contain all records of government-provided and private
psychiatric treatment -- including, in particular, the drugs which were

Remember last year's "NICS Improvement Act" -- otherwise
known as the
Veterans Disarmament Act? This law codified ATF's attempts to make you
a prohibited person on the basis of a government psychiatrist's finding
that you are a "danger" -- without a finding by any court. Well,
roughly 150,000 battle-scarred veterans have already been unfairly
stripped of their gun rights by the government.

But people who, as kids, were diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Disorder... or seniors with Alzheimer's... or police with Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder... or people who are now theoretically covered by the
new law... these people have, generally, not suffered the consequences
of its sanctions -- YET. And the chief reason is that their records are
not easily available to the government in a central, easily retrievable,
computerized form.

The bailout bill would change all of that. It would push increasingly
hard to force your private psychiatrist or government-sanctioned
psychiatrist to turn over your psychiatric records to a massive
database. This would be mandated immediately if your doctor does
business with the government.

This would supposedly save Medicare money in connection with medical
treatment. And, the sponsors insist, they would work very hard to
protect your privacy.

But this turns the concept of "privacy" on its head. The
privacy which
is MOST important is privacy from the prying eyes of government -- not
privacy of government data against the prying eyes of others. After
all, many government data bases have been hacked in recent years, with
mountains of information stolen.

So, once the government has access to these computerized psychiatric
records, the stage will be set for using that database to take away the
gun rights of those with Alzheimer's, those with ADD, and those with

ACTION: Write your two senators. Urge them to vote against the bailout
bill (HR 1) until it is stripped of provisions which would turn your
psychiatric records over to a central government-coordinated database
against your will -- without you getting your day in court.

You can go to the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at
http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your Senators the
pre-written e-mail message below.

----- Prewritten Letter -----

Dear Senator:

I am particularly concerned about sections 13101 through 13434 of the
new bailout bill (HR 1). These sections would set up the infrastructure
to computerize the medical records of ALL AMERICANS in a
government-coordinated database, including psychiatric records.

It is scary enough that a government bureaucrat is directed by statute
to try to influence my doctor's decisions with respect to my medical

But of even greater concern to gun owners is the fact that a
government-coordinated database will now contain all records of
government-provided and private psychiatric treatment.

Last year's "NICS Improvement Act" codified ATF's attempts to
make a
person a prohibited person on the basis of a government psychiatrist's
finding that he is a "danger" -- without a finding by any
court. Well,
roughly 150,000 battle-scarred veterans have already been unfairly
stripped of their gun rights by the government.

Now, this new government-coordinated database threatens the gun rights
of people who, as kids, were diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Disorder... seniors with Alzheimer's... police with Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder... and many other law-abiding Americans.

Please vote against cloture on HR 1 until this provision is removed.



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To unsubscribe send a message to
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wait... ADD would be a discriminating factor? what the crap does ADD have to do with firearms? Hell, just bout every kid I know these days has ADD...

no wonder he was pushing this so hard, if no one has time to read it, no one has time to find things to object to...[angry][angry][angry][sad2]
wait... ADD would be a discriminating factor? what the crap does ADD have to do with firearms? Hell, just bout every kid I know these days has ADD...

no wonder he was pushing this so hard, if no one has time to read it, no one has time to find things to object to...[angry][angry][angry][sad2]

They don't have ADD. Trust me, if you've ever seen a kid who REALLY has ADD it's unmistakable. what's called ADD these days is basically any child who acts like...a child. You know, fidgety, short attention span, easily bored. Sounds like a normal kid to me. To the schools however it's a sign that these kids are not totally malleable and therefore must be medicated.
Well the Libs attacked Bush's personal privacy exploits (and rightfully so in my opinion) let's see if they come out against this as well.
I agree, only problem is alot of the schools have there parents send them to a psychologist and parents make their kids take aderall or whatever the new flavor of the month is. Even if the shrinks dont think they have ADD, the parents insist that they prescribe said meds [sad2]
parents being idiots often screw up kids for life...
However, This will become a very powerful tool in the hands of the AMA. All they need to do is encourage their physicians to medicate as many kids as possible for ADD they intern will be doing the dirty work for the gun banners in the name of health.
Well the Libs attacked Bush's personal privacy exploits (and rightfully so in my opinion) let's see if they come out against this as well.

I don't care for the term "liberal" as I think it means nothing useful. But on this board I'm considered by some to be practically a commie. So I'll be the first to take you up on your challenge. Yes, I'm concerned and just finished an email to my congress critter, which will be promptly ignored I'm sure. [crying]
I agree, only problem is alot of the schools have there parents send them to a psychologist and parents make their kids take aderall or whatever the new flavor of the month is. Even if the shrinks dont think they have ADD, the parents insist that they prescribe said meds [sad2]
parents being idiots often screw up kids for life...

As much as I'm a fan of empirical psychology, the rest of the field is 80% hokum. I'd never send my kid to a pshrink unless there were some VERY serious problems. And I'd medicate my kid under only the most extreme circumstances.

The problem today is too many parents expect perfection when all the kid can deliver is their best effort. It's like the college thing. We know form stats that 50% of the population has an IQ at or under 100. Average IQ of admissions to 4-year schools is 115. Nationally we tailor all our programs to address the college thing and ignore the folks who aren't suited to go to college by IQ or plain inclination.

I'd be proud to have a son or daughter skilled in the trades. College isn't any certification of wonderfulness, and meds aren't the answer to poor parenting.
In the old days.. the mother used to get the meds to deal with the little brat.. hence the "Mother's Little helper".
Now it is just a hell a of a lot more convenient for those busy working parents to just take their little darling to the Dr. have them diagnosed as a perfectly normal brat that gets no discipline, direction or attention from the parents and come to the conclusion that the KID is the problem (you know ADD or ADHD)..

they are a hell of a lot easier to deal with with a chemical lobotomy, plop them in fromt of the TV and no more issues.. A lot less complaints from the parents or teachers that way..
It's criminal for this whole "porkulos" bill to happen in any way,shape, or form. No one is listening to the Patiortic Americans. I Wonder what the military thinks? Maybe become a "real" question. Fix a few sectors and let things playout.....
This is why there should be a Constitutional amendment that requires there to be sufficient time for the legislators to read the final draft of the bill before voting.
Locally we have this:
An Act Relative to the Possession of Firearms by People with Dimentia

The bill calls for the intervention of physicians treating a person for alzheimer’s or dementia to inquire as to whether the patient possessed firearms. If the patient answered affirmatively, the physician would be required to notify the chief of police of the patient’s home town. The chief would then be required to revoke any firearm license and confiscate any firearms.

So it looks like they've got us coming and going. If you had any "mental health" issues as a youngster, you no longer have 2nd amendment rights. As an older citizen, you best remember where you left those keys because at the first signs of "impaired" memory, they want your MD to ask you if you own firearms and if you do, you won't for long. No wonder a lot of doctors are asking patients if they have guns in the house. They are making a fact trail which can be used against you. Enjoy the sandwich years, those are the years when you get to exercise your constitutional rights.
Best regards.
Has anyone here verified the content and argument of the OP? I automatically distrust *anything* I encounter in email or in discussion groups that try to convince me that the sky is falling.
Joined Gun Owners of America and sent an email to both U.S. Senators. Nancy and Dick must be thrilled at how their anti-gun machinations are increasing the membership and coffers of the Pro-gun groups. Morons, did they think we'd just take it up the ass.
I wonder how this conflicts with HIPAA (http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/index.html)?

I wonder how the government is going to gather medical records information from dates prior to the enactment of this socialist spending POS bill? Won't that take a mountain of server storage?

I wonder how many will cease seeing doctors, whether they be M.D.s or psychiatrists, because the medical records will be available to any government worker (or anyone with access). Many only seek out mental health services because of the confidentiality involved (I know, I worked in the field for a decade).
This is why there should be a Constitutional amendment that requires there to be sufficient time for the legislators to read the final draft of the bill before voting.

Why should this require a Constitutional amendment? Should this not be a standard that we hold our representatives to? Amendments should not be taken lightly (IMHO) and should not be pursued for normal housekeeping. If your Rep. or Senator cannot read...or cannot be bothered, get rid of him/her. No amendment necessary.
So I got a reply to my e-mail to Ted Kennedy.

Dear Mr. ****:

Thank you for your recent letter on the economy and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, S. 1. This is a very important issue to me, and I'm committed to making sure that hardworking families get the help they need.

Day after day, we see distressing evidence that our economy is continuing in the wrong direction. The unemployment rate is rising, the cost of basic essentials such as food and fuel is soaring, and foreclosures and bankruptcies are skyrocketing. Our failing economy has a real impact on the lives of tens of millions of Americans. Every day, working men and women are being forced to make impossible choices between feeding their families, paying their bills, and keeping their homes.

That's why I strongly support immediate stimulus legislation to help those in need and revive our economy as soon as possible. The Senate stimulus proposal is a major step in the right direction. It contains targeted spending and tax incentives designed to jump-start the economy as quickly as possible. It also provides help to the large number of unemployed workers, including 75,000 in Massachusetts, who have exhausted their unemployment benefits while they continue to look for jobs.

There's still more to be done in coming days before the legislation is complete. I believe we must add assistance for the millions of families struggling to heat their homes, and give greater assistance to those who need help in feeding their families. I will fight to create targeted spending on infrastructure improvements, as well as more aid for educational system and job training. The recovery package is large, but when implemented correctly, it will give our country much needed improvements in jobs, health care, education and clean energy, ushering in a prosperous America for generations to come.

We have much to do in the days ahead, and I intend to do all I can to make sure that working people in Massachusetts aren't left behind.

Thank you again for your letter on this pressing issue.

Edward M. Kennedy
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