Possum Question


NES Member
Aug 24, 2005
RETIRED, at home or wherever I want to be
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If this is too gross, I apologize and ask that the moderator remove it but it's bugging me.

Yesterday, I discovered a possum laying on my grass in the back yard. I live way out in the woods so I see all kindsa critters regluarly. But this was day time so I got curious.

I approached it with a stick, as it appeared to be sleeping. It lifted it's head, glared at me as if to say 'leave me alone' and 'rested' again. I left it alone.

Half hour later Mrs Pilgrim says to look at the possum. It was trying to make it's way to the woods but it's back end wasn't working. It would move a few front leg steps, flop onto one side, repeat and flop onto the other side, very slowly, and painfully.

First thought was that a deer tromped it as it didn't appear externally to be damaged as if hit by a car, and we have a lot of deer. One tried to tromp my little dog a while back. We had to chase the deer away as it was attacking the poor 10 lb little pooch...but I digress.

I got my .22 DanWesson revolver, to put it out of it's misery. It was really hurting.

Since I knew it couldn't run, I put a shot between its eyes at one foot range. It kept trying to crawl. Another shot, still crawling. Another shot - still crawling. I"m feeling bad now as I didn't want it to suffer.

3 more shots in the heart area before it stopped crawling.

Since I wasn't sure it wasn't rabid and wasn't absolutely sure it was dead, I went and got a shovel to pick it up and put it in the woods. When I came back it looked as if it were still breathing ! Gun in the house, I used the shovel 4 times before I was sure it was 'peaceful' - permanently.

I really felt bad as I was trying to be humane and dispatch him painlessly.

So the point of this gruesome tale is: how/where is the best place to aim to put one down? Maybe I kept missing the brain as it's too small to hit? I don't know but I suspect, living where I do that this will happen again in the future and I want to be as humane as possible should I be called to help a suffering animal to peace.

Sorry if I grossed anyone out but I need to know.
A hollow point .45 to the head between it's eyes will end it's misery rather quickly and as humanely as possible.
I'm not sure where the point of aim should have been (since I dont' know that much about opossum anatomy) however, you did the right thing by trying to put him out of his misery hun. I know how you felt tho - I would have been crying by that point in time.
I also learned a similar lesson the hard way. They have such a tiny brain that a shot between the eyes is usually ineffective.

Don't recall what solution was offered to me as it was many years ago.

I do recall thinking that trapping and drowning in a barrel full of water might be the most effective way, even though not swift.
A head shot with a .45, or a rifle of at least .30 cal should be a quick kill. If it isn't instantly, they'll bleed out in very short order.

With the shovel, use the edge on the neck. You'll either break it, or sever it or an artery. Fairly quick.
I have a friend that works for animal control, when they pick up animals that are rabid they call the local police to euthanize them. It's a quiet topic cause they don’t want PETA or some other group at their doorstep but he tells me that many time the LE end up using multiple shots to kill them. I also want to add that this is only for rabid mostly raccoons that HAVE NOT been in contact with humans or other animals. Other wise they use alternative methods so they can cut off its head for testing.
cdkayak said:
I haven't seen a Bill Mauldin piece in a long time.

About a half century ago, I got drafter to help my aunt and uncle clean out a trashed rental property they owned. The only thing that prevented it from being a total waste of a kid's time was the fact that among the junk the tenants had left were copies of Mauldin's "Up Front" and Ernie Pyle's "Here is Your War". :)

I am a licensed Level II Wildlife control operator up here in NH. I make a living by taking care of nuisance and sick wildlife. Although possible it could have been rabid it probaly was not. Distemper, mange, worms or dehydration could have been his affliction. The the way to get a quick kill to to draw a X from left ear to right eye and left eye to right ear. On most mammals or marcupials the middle of the X will do it quick with a .22. Woodchucks and beaver have thick skulls and sometimes it just bounces off the head. I agree the most effective way is a .45 hollow point. Keep in mind if rabies is a question the brain must be intact for testing. Although smashing it's head in is quick and humane watch out for blood splatter. Most of the 150+ animals I've been paid to dispatch this year alone have been done in with a .22 short subsonic. It only takes one well placed shot and makes less noise than my air rifle. Most of my work in in urban areas so a .45 is too loud, although thats my main carry peice. If testing is required a shot in each lung makes short work of it while preserving the brain and keeping most of the blood contained in the animal. Whereas a head shot tends to result in blood spray and some thrashing around. Hope I have not grossed anyone out.
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