Post Apocalyptic type gun

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
Feedback: 42 / 0 / 0
I wanted to build a gun with the looks of someone that put together a gun from stuff they had laying around. So it crude and ugly. Stuff it crudly cut, some stuff isn't straight. Grabbed whatever they had laying around and slapped it together. I think I achieved that look.
I made it without the belt and was having problems with the fore end popping off. So the belt holds the for end on and it doubles as a sling.
It was difficult to open and close so the forward grip help out with that and its something to hold onto.
I do need to get some grip tape or something to cover the pic rail to it doesn't gouge your thumb when holding onto the forward grip.
I have a couple of other project guns I'm going to build in the same type of theme. Something fun and different to do.

Who wants to tell him?
Don't ask don't tell. Just that he need to giveaway all his ammo before the atf show up at his house for that saw off shotgun.ill even take his dog before the atf kill it (they normally shoot the dog,then the home owner during their no knock raid at 3am lol)
Who wants to tell him?

Don't ask don't tell. Just that he need to giveaway all his ammo before the atf show up at his house for that saw off shotgun.ill even take his dog before the atf kill it (they normally shoot the dog,then the home owner during their no knock raid at 3am lol)

Not offering criticism to people that casually make firearms like this...He probably has a zombie on a chain in his basement.
It's registered on a Form 2 as a SBS
I think you succeeded and it’s a cool concept to me. Please keep the show and tell going when you build others.
Don't ask don't tell. Just that he need to giveaway all his ammo before the atf show up at his house for that saw off shotgun.ill even take his dog before the atf kill it (they normally shoot the dog,then the home owner during their no knock raid at 3am lol)

I’ll take the cat…..Just in case.

The ATF isn’t always great about target discrimination. 😉
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