I wanted to build a gun with the looks of someone that put together a gun from stuff they had laying around. So it crude and ugly. Stuff it crudly cut, some stuff isn't straight. Grabbed whatever they had laying around and slapped it together. I think I achieved that look.
I made it without the belt and was having problems with the fore end popping off. So the belt holds the for end on and it doubles as a sling.
It was difficult to open and close so the forward grip help out with that and its something to hold onto.
I do need to get some grip tape or something to cover the pic rail to it doesn't gouge your thumb when holding onto the forward grip.
I have a couple of other project guns I'm going to build in the same type of theme. Something fun and different to do.
I made it without the belt and was having problems with the fore end popping off. So the belt holds the for end on and it doubles as a sling.
It was difficult to open and close so the forward grip help out with that and its something to hold onto.
I do need to get some grip tape or something to cover the pic rail to it doesn't gouge your thumb when holding onto the forward grip.
I have a couple of other project guns I'm going to build in the same type of theme. Something fun and different to do.