Pre-Ban AR-15 What should I buy???


Oct 19, 2009
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Hi Guys,

I am going to sell a new DSA FAL with 16 mags to buy a preban AR.....

I have three post ban AR's that are all set up for different applications but would like to buy a nice pre-ban so I can swap pre-ban uppers on it and have some fun.

What would you buy if you where me? Please help! I know there are a lot of AR-15 Experts out here! Also, if you have a minty preban just collecting dust, PM me and educate me!

Thanks - Will
If you are going to build your own try to find a verified preban lower. Also bear in mind even if you have to get a large hole colt it will take small hole uppers with adapter pins. Colts and Bushmasters are the most common.... prepare to get out your wallet. Prebans show up on arfcom EE from time to time, but they go FAST. There are several other companies that made prebans, but they are somewhat harder to pin down verification on. Just about anything will work as long as it's not damaged in some way. (most aren't. )

Another option is buying an old warhorse like a Preban Colt SP1 on the cheap, selling off the crappy upper, and then replace with your new upper.

what type of pre ban upper would you buy? Nothing too fancy, just want to have BUIS and an Optic........


what type of pre ban upper would you buy? Nothing too fancy, just want to have BUIS and an Optic........



Just the question I've been meaning to ask myself. I picked up a preban SGW last summer at First Defense in Uxbridge. Now I'm looking to replace the less than stellar A2 upper (and probably the LPK too), since I've already replaced the buffer tube, buffer, recoil spring and stock.
My preban AR-15 lower is an ongoing project which will ultimately result in a single lower with multiple uppers in a single fitted case. I want a tricked out .223 upper, a .22LR upper and maybe a 9mm upper. It's a slow (and expensive) work in progress.
Another vote for Bravo Company USA's uppers. I think they still have mid-length uppers in stock for about $420 (upper only) which is a great deal.
Thanks Guys! Bought a NIB Colt Sporter Match HBAR pre ban of course! Now I need to go to that evil Bravocompany website, this could hurt some......... I am def going to keep the original upper, maybe put an Original Colt 4x20 scope on it? I dont know, so many dec......
if you bout it NIB, pre ban, you DEFINITELY need to keep the upper and the box! There are many, many colt junkies out there that would pay a premium price for such a rifle.

In fact, if your goal was to build a preban franken AR, you probably could have saved yourself some coin and went with a used pre ban colt, or something else. What you bought is a collectible gun that has the potential to increase in value as time moves on. Colt junkies are serious about their rifles. And if it's unfired, NIB, that thing can fetch money.
You know what? I agree. It has the box, the orginal 20 rd mags and sling. I am going to put it in a safe and try to buy a preban lower only and build her up from there. Thanks for the imput, she will rest in the safe!!! I just found an original, almost new Colt 4x20 for it. I think it will make a nice retro package to look at once in awhile, I am not going to shoot it though. My friend told me he had a beat to death SP1, maybe I will grab the lower, have it re done and then slap a new evil upper on it!
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You know what? I agree. It has the box, the orginal 20 rd mags and sling. I am going to put it in a safe and try to buy a preban lower only and build her up from there. Thanks for the imput, she will rest in the safe!!! I just found an original, almost new Colt 4x20 for it. I think it will make a nice retro package to look at once in awhile, I am not going to shoot it though. My friend told me he had a beat to death SP1, maybe I will grab the lower, have it re done and then slap a new evil upper on it!

Don't get me wrong: that's what I would do with the rifle [grin] But if you got that lower for low coin and want to shoot it, build it, etc. then by all means go ahead.

The rifle is worth what it is to you. But definitely keep the parts to it if you build it into something else because even if it is fired (the lower, which may not wear much and probably won't) the parts together as a package will still be worth a lot more than they would be separately.

Either way you look at it, you win [smile]
Thank you, I was very happy to find it! I have been digging for awhile now! I think I will keep her new and buy a SP1 rec and replace all the parts and make her into a new gun, keep the Orginal Colt for my son, he is due to be born in 4 months!
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