Pre-deployment “Stocking Stuffers”


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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My son is stationed at Fort Brag in the 82nd Airborne. He will be home on leave for XMAS and we were wanting to getting some “Stocking Stuffers” that would be useful when he deploys to hot sandy regions early next year. Any thoughts? I was thinking some Ranger Bands, Streamlight Flashlight, Leatherman MUT and stuff like that.
What does he already have? Decent multi-tool, spring-assist folder (I like the Kershaw Blurs, cheap enough that it's not a tragedy if it gets lost, but still an excellent knife), headlamp, etc are all nice. If you want to make it awkward throw a fleshlight in there.

I concur with the foot powder, gold bond, baby wipes stuff, but that's easier to send in bulk in a care package along with peanut butter, monster, junk food, etc.
I can't think of anything not already suggested for pre-deployment, but while on deployment a regular care package delivery of quality toilet paper was greatly appreciated.
Several logs of his preferred dip. Compression ziplock packing bags. Somewhat expensive, but noise cancelling headphones if he doesn’t already have a pair. A couple spare barber shaving brushes (for weapons maintenance in sandy environments)...they were always going “missing”.
With respect to the good suggestions on gold bond, cruex, moleskin, etc—I’d suggest half dozen of each in travel size, along with some other hygiene essentials: small toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, etc...package em up in ziplocks. He can have one for himself, and several spares to hook his buddies up if/when someone forgets or supplies run low. Other: Deck of cards, pocket bible or book of religious preference, St. Michael the archangel medal/necklace, pre-addressed envelopes and pad of paper (digital age, email and all that—but holding a handwritten letter from him will mean a lot).
Laminated wallet photo of your family...can be tucked in his IBA or taped inside helmet.
One of my friends was stationed at Bagram. He requested warm wool socks because it was a lot colder there than he thought. He also swore by NielMed sinus rinse to get the desert out of his sinuses...literally.
Better earplugs than what is issued, unless you are one of the lucky ones given the new high tech system. With the 3M law suit coming out and the fact that the largest disability coming out of service is hearing loss a good set of earplugs will easily be worth their weight in gold. Ones that still allow you to hear commands, but block gun fire. I wish I had a suggestion, but at the moment I don’t. I might do some research though and post back.

Also some Darn Tough socks as well a better gloves like the mechanixs military line.
[laugh2] Its funny and its true.

A Randall Knife?

I believe they have a program for deploying soldiers where you can skip the 5 year wait.

I don’t know about “skip,” but they definitely expedite.

When my buddy deployed years ago, I got him a Randall. He used the hell out of it. As he should.

Does the Red Cross still ship out scads of foot powder and dental floss and baby wipes? They used to, but then my own deployment was ages ago.
The cold steel recon in S35VN is an excellent folder for the $$$. Get him a decent lightweight pair of binos. Check with him if his IFAK is complete, and make sure he's got a quality TQ. And... Stool softener. Try to eat MREs for a few days and take a dump after that.
Good luck to you guys through it all. A flashlight and a backup flashlight, headlamp, dental picks for weapon cleaning, a boresnake, portable hard drive. A solar powerbank for when the phone is dying with no outlet in sight, or just a regular one. Decent digital camera to document the experience. Some kind of breathable face covering to filter out the filth even just a little bit.
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