I should make more than enough power in summer to run full AC even with 1 sun day and two cloud days. Summer is easy for solar. At our latitude winter requires you over panel and over battery.
I marked out the solstice shadowing over the last week. I now know which trees to cut for max morning exposure and what the optimal spacing is between rows of solar to avoid shadowing.
Going to cut some trees later this week and then I should get 25kW or so on a sunny day. I'll still need to supplement gen or grid Dec/Jan due to the weather and cloud days. I may add 10 panels this coming year.
I marked out the solstice shadowing over the last week. I now know which trees to cut for max morning exposure and what the optimal spacing is between rows of solar to avoid shadowing.
Going to cut some trees later this week and then I should get 25kW or so on a sunny day. I'll still need to supplement gen or grid Dec/Jan due to the weather and cloud days. I may add 10 panels this coming year.