Preparedness in event of nukes

Chances are most of us won't even be in the blast radius if Boston were hit. The bad part is that we'd get all the radiation from the entire Western US I'd imagine.
You all worry too much. Nothing will happen even if you are standing UNDER a detonation:

and they lived into their 70s or 80s. One died at the age of 63 though. See here!
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USA, USSR, the UK and France popped off many nukes in the Pacific, and we got dusted with all the fallout from that. We could see elevated levels of tritium in the 80's, long after the Atmospheric Test Ban. We can still see plutonium in the soil all across the US. There were not a lot of observable effects in USA from that, other than fancy equipment detecting miniscule amounts of specific isotopes.

But you can bet your bottom dollar that in the event of an NK atmospheric, MSM will be chanting and hooting about "twelve Becquerels of tritium per cubic meter" detected over New York without explaining what a Becquerel is
You all worry too much. Nothing will happen even if you are standing UNDER a detonation:

and they lived into their 70s or 80s. One died at the age of 63 though. See here!

They were unsure if they had the correct people. They say they assumed they were all Army when they checked the database, but the article also clearly states that the 5 men were all Air Force officers.

Not sure if that means anything or if just a typo . Cool story anyway.
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They were unsure if they had the correct people. They say they assumed they were all Army when they checked the database, but the article also clearly states that the 5 men were all Air Force officers.

Not sure if that means anything or if just a typo . Cool story anyway.

It also said there were 6. Five of them were volunteers, and the sixth was not, it was the camera man.
Residing so close to the route 128 technology belt as well as an Air Force Base, all I'll need is a bottle of Tequila and a lawn chair.

I don't think the 128 technology belt is a viable target anymore. In the 70's yes but the manufacturers have moved away.
I don't think the 128 technology belt is a viable target anymore. In the 70's yes but the manufacturers have moved away.
Your counting on Russia up dating their target list.
Back in the 90's after the Soviet Union collapsed, The U.S. was comparing notes about the cold war with the Russians. We were surprised to find out that Burlington was still a high priority target for Russian nukes, even though the nike missile sights were decommissioned back in the 70's.
Not sure how I missed this thread the first time around. I honestly believe if anything we are more likely to fall victim to an EMP.

My wife and I recently started building up for long term food storage and gardening because why not. Obviously water and a way to purify it, take your pick. I would really like to get an old school jeep that doesn't run off electronics that would work in my imaginary scenario that way I can bug out with the in-laws in Vermont. Gold/Silver as currency will lose value within days of an event if not sooner. I got enough ammo to hold us over and then some.:D
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