Pressure Canner/Cooker Question


Nov 14, 2012
Round Rock, TX
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So I've scoured (most of) this forum as well as the internet but am at a loss as to whether there is truly a pressure cooker that can also be used as a (small scale) canner. I've contacted All American Canners and they state that their cookers (stainless clad) cannot be used for canning but that their canners (cast aluminum) can be used for cooking... my dilemma here is that I'm not to keen on cooking in straight aluminum.

I'm just looking for a mid-sized cooker that can also be used for small-scale (pint/half-pint) pressure canning. I don't have the space or elaborate stove setup for a large pot, probably something under 16qt as it has to fit on a standard stovetop burner.

Any recommendations?
why do you need pressure cooker for canning? my grandparents and my mom always canned w/o any pressure cooker. just simple steam sterilizer (small pot with lid that has hole in the center) for jars and separate pot with boiling water just for lids.
why do you need pressure cooker for canning? my grandparents and my mom always canned w/o any pressure cooker. just simple steam sterilizer (small pot with lid that has hole in the center) for jars and separate pot with boiling water just for lids.

To can meats.

Temperatures of 240 deg are needed to process low acid foods. Otherwise you can get the botox all over.

For the OP, aluminum is a far better conductor than ss. That is a very good thing for pressure canning. How many meals do you really plan to cook in the pressure cooker?

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Lol, I brew in a stainless pot, didn't want aluminum there either. I'll check out your link when I get home, too cumbersome on my phone .
I brew beer in an Aluminum pot and from what I've read, less Aluminum leaks into the full 5 gallon batch of beer than what you'll find in a single aspirin pill.

Here is a small stainless canner with pretty good reviews.

I went with the All American aluminum though. They are built to last a lifetime.
I'm hoping to do more with dried beans and such with the pressure cooker since they take so long otherwise, and my mom used to do roasts in hers (also a time saver). Due to lack of space and a budget I was hoping to get a decent quality dual-purpose pot.
To can meats.

Temperatures of 240 deg are needed to process low acid foods. Otherwise you can get the botox all over.

For the OP, aluminum is a far better conductor than ss. That is a very good thing for pressure canning. How many meals do you really plan to cook in the pressure cooker?

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