problem with my m&p....

Dec 30, 2008
Holbrook, Ma.
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i was at the range tonight ,and had a failure to eject(reload rounds)
it is now stuck inside with i think is a live round behind it and the slide is stuck,can't open it. is a gunsmith needed??
If you haven't taken the magazine out before trying to pull back the slide, nothing will happen.

Take the mag out and then try racking the slide back hard a couple of times until all ammo comes out.

If you did take the mag out and the slide still won't budge, no worries. Take it to a gunsmith and let him sort it out.
I had this happen with my M&P 45 once when a Wolf case split, I had to take the slide off and pry out the casing, a wood dowel or cleaning rod could have done it if I had one at the time. No more steel ammo for me after that.
i was at the range tonight ,and had a failure to eject(reload rounds)
it is now stuck inside with i think is a live round behind it and the slide is stuck,can't open it. is a gunsmith needed??

I've never had a jam I couldn't clear within a few seconds.
Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

Drop the mag...yank it out if you have to.
Pull the slide back, again yank it if you have to.
You'll get it clear. Just make sure you don't slip onto the trigger.
you can make a measuring device from a piece of wire or anything. bend it like a cane so you dont have to put yourself in danger and mark it after inserting it in the barrel. Than hold it next to the gun. This will tell you if this is a live round. Sounds to me like you put a live round behind a squib and bulged you barrel.

Good luck, Be careful.
Same thing happened to my buddy last weekend. Live round jammed in his M&P40c...The dealer with range we were shooting at wouldnt let him take it home, they shipped it to S&W for him. He bought it from them and its only a few weeks old...May take up to a month to get it back.
Same thing happened to my buddy last weekend. Live round jammed in his M&P40c...The dealer with range we were shooting at wouldnt let him take it home, they shipped it to S&W for him. He bought it from them and its only a few weeks old...May take up to a month to get it back.

Did they clear the jammed round and then ship it back to S&W, or did they just box it up as is and ship it?
Have seen this happen with some reloads made from once fired Glock brass. Near as we can tell, the bulge makes the brass get stuck in the chamber (a theory). I have seen a couple that required using a cleaning rod to in really stuck!

When this happens sometimes you can't get the slide to open. You can disengage the ejector by pressing on it with a small punch or the tip of a pen....this will allow the slide to open. Remove the slide and bang it out with something appropriate.

Make sure you are not dealing with a live round in the chamber or things could get ugly.
i was at the range tonight ,and had a failure to eject(reload rounds)
it is now stuck inside with i think is a live round behind it and the slide is stuck,can't open it. is a gunsmith needed??

If you had a failure to eject, only the empty case is in the chamber. There is simply not enough room for an empty case and a loaded round to occupy the chamber and allow the slide to go into battery.

Measuring the barrlel/chamber to insure that only an empty case is present is an excellent safeguard. If you are sure that the only an empty case occupies the chamber, you can open the action by holding the slide in one hand (away from the ejection port) and striking the grip from behind with the other. This will force the slide open, but might leave the empty in the chamber. A brass rod and a small hammer will remove the empty (I keep both in my range bag).

This procedure I have outlined is ONLY SAFE WHEN USED TO REMOVE AN EMPTY CASE. This same procedure when used to remove a live round can result in the primer striking the ejector and igniting the live round with disastrous results. Be careful.
Yes he was,

First post: i was at the range tonight ,and had a failure to eject(reload rounds)
it is now stuck inside with i think is a live round behind it and the slide is stuck,can't open it. is a gunsmith needed??

Ahh ok, I read that as him trying to describe part of the malfunction not as "reloaded ammunition".
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