Proud uncle moment

That's excellent.

My high point reenlisting was my second time reenlisting. Finished the paperwork at personnel, they asked if I wanted anyone in particular to swear me in. Told them I'd like a 2LT who hadn't been corrupted by the system yet. The sergeant stared at me for a second, walked around the counter to the door, yells "Hey, are you busy right now?"

10 seconds later I meet our newest 2LT, who had showed up the day before from OCS and was still hanging around in the hall while they tried to figure out where to send him. Thank you, 2LT Cowan - turned out to be one of the good guys.
We had a pilot, Moon, who was a real prankster and generally funny guy. He once asked my help to drive a golf cart into the commander's office and other fun times.

Anyway, it was time for me to re-enlist, and I didn't think too much of it, I went over to personnel and said let's get this done. They asked if I had an officer in particular I wanted to swear me in, and I said, no, just grab anyone. Being personnel, they acted like it was my job to find the guy, and this pilot happened to be there getting equal customer disservice.

When I asked him to do the swearing in, he asked me, "do you swear or affirm?" I told him I swear, figuring he wanted to keep the reading normal, and not the "I state your name swear or affirm" which sounds gay.

He quoted the whole oath for me from memory. He said that something that important should be given the weight it deserves, and he memorized it when a lieutenant.

He went on to be Wing Commander, good guy.
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