Pumpkin Huntin' at the Annual NES Pumpkin Shoot

I thought the platters were a good idea. It allowed people to choose what they wanted in their sandwich w/out having to have the prep people make them.
Because of the Thanksgiving day chaos at my house, I spaced out making pasta salad to bring. Next shoot we have with the same food style set up, I'll definitely remember it.
Food was great. Each could make their own sandwich with whatever floated their boat.
I'm new enough that I really didn't know too many people so instead of going for posed photos, I just took some candids over peoples shoulders:



This next one is where I wished I brought my SLR. The cheap PAS focused on the bench in the foreground.





Thanks for sharing the photos everyone. It looks and sounds like it was a great time. I want to try and make it next year and contribute to the fun.
Zombi AWESOME pictures! (of course several being my guns and me don't hurt! ) Very nice.
20 years ago I was very much into photography and I must say the quality and composure of those shots are great. I hope you don't mind If I order some prints of some for my Den wall at home. (or if you offer the service I would be interested. )

This summer/next fall I may have to see if I can interest you in doing some pictures of my new Brittney hunting once I have her up to speed.
Just got back from a couple days away and found the thread updated.

+1 on the incredible pictures by Zombi--- he should be our resident photographer for the shoots.
Thanks for the compliments, guys, but they're not my photos. My friend and co-worker Mike took those. I drag him to all the shoots I go to, so you can look forward to more from the MilSurp shoot.
Those are some great photos

I really enjoyed seeing these new photos. Tell your friend he does an excellent job and captures the individuals well. I am not sure what I was thinking or who I was talking to when he took the picture of me, it is the last one on page four.

I am sure it was something to the effect that Jon Green's AR is sweet or just give me some more ammo. That is about all that it could be.
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