Purchasing a 14.5 inch barrel 411

Jan 9, 2012
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Hello, im interested in purchasing a 14.5 inch barrel and pin the flashider to comply with NFA. Is it legal for me to buy the barrel online and have a flashhider pinned at a local dealer when the barrel arrives in the mail. Looking at these websites that sell NFA barrels, they say "all NFA rules apply" with SB's, but i would assume the majority of these online retail stores will not pin a flashider before shipping due to them just being distributors and not manufacturing facilities. Help?
Short answer, what you are planning to do is fine. Some of the more paranoid crowd will say "oh well they could nail you with constructive possession for owning the parts." At the same time, you could also win the lottery.

You can have the barrel sent to the dealer who is going to do the work, then you are all set no legal problems.
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