Putin's Merchant of Death now supplies Houthis..


NES Member
Mar 18, 2012
A Fair Haven in an unfair state.
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The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Russia's Merchant of death is now supplying arms to the Houthis.

If you're not up on things, this man was someone that we traded in a prisoner exchange with Russia for a pot smoking woke womans basketball player in return.

The Houthis operate out of the country of Yemen. They fire on US ships practically daily.

So when a nutshell, Biden traded away a pot smoking, woke, women's basketball player, for the man who now supplies arms to a terrorist faction that fires at US troops practically every day.

This was entirely predictable. And you really cannot make up the level of stupidity in the white house right now.
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Biden has such a thing for black women that I think he's really Hesh from The Sopranos.
They were getting these arms regardless.

Personally I wouldn't have done a thing for that dirty creature but on the national stage and with more than half the country watching this whole ordeal I think the Government did what they thought was the best thing for the situation, I mean a black lesbian is way more important in their eyes than if it was a white straight male
Yeah. Freemumia!

F the popular whatever. Popular went from "protect the border" to "those poor people" to "protect the border" in 8-10 short years. The popular BS has no idea.

Notice they didn't trade anyone to get the WSJ reporter out. Poor guy was locked up for 15 or so months. For being a journalist. Not being a stuck-up, weed-sucking WNBA "star." While Griner was in captivity for 8-9 months, it was only a month or so AFTER conviction that she was traded-for. (Before then, nothing could really be done.) A month vs. 15. Nice.

The populars are only concerned with what news is fed them. Nothing else. Look at the continued "ZOMG, JAN6!!!" antics. Only a moron (and I know some of htem personally) can be worreid about January 6 and NOT be worried about the BLM riots.
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