Question for peolpe in CT

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
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I was looking at the flyer from Century and they said that they don't sell C&R pistols to C&R holders in CT. Are you not supose to sell C&R pistols to C&R holders in CT. I just got my 01FFL in CT and want to make sure that I'm folowing the laws. I live in MA and know the laws pretty good here but CT I'm still learning. If anyone has some info it would be a big help. Thanks
Please check this out and do NOT take my word for it, as I really know nothing about CT law.

I had a Microsoft conference in NYC a couple of years ago and Hoffman's in CT had AR15 frames for a good price, so I had planned on stopping there on the way back home to pick one up.

I called first to make sure that they had them in stock. What I learned was the following:

- If you have no CT CCW, there is a 2 week waiting period. I would have had to drive back there 2 weeks later to pick it up. No thanks, not worth it.

- When I'm told this sort of stuff, I ask "what if" I find a C&R in their shop since I have a C&R FFL. I was told that even with a C&R FFL, unless I had a CT CCW, I face a 2 week waiting period for ANY transaction (pistol or rifle).

So, extrapolating the above and merging it with your question . . . I guess that nobody can ship a C&R gun to a CT resident (even with a C&R FFL) because they can't (or not allowed to) verify a CT CCW and no mechanism in place for invoking 2 week waiting periods.

Sounds a lot like MA, doesn't it?

Bottom line, I didn't bother stopping at Hoffman's and will probably never attend another CT gun show either.
If you have a hunting licence you can get around the two week waiting period.

I wrote to the AG about C&R pistols and wanted to know what the issue was, after several emails, they mail me the CT laws regarding handguns, the same thing that comes with my C&R license.

It turns out there is not a CT restriction on this just some distributors won't deal with CT because they don't know the laws here and don't get the answers from the Dept of Public Safety when they call.
There are no restrictions for C&R guns in CT that I know of however as mentioned above some manufacturers/dealers won't deal with CT. b/c our gun laws are screwy.We have a ban list that mimics the old federal ban list but nothing on it is a C&R and we are allowed to have any Hi-cap mags and full-auto only machine guns but maybe some people don't know this and won't sell for fear of trouble.
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