Question: out of state members?

Jun 16, 2009
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I moved to RI from MA a few years ago but every RI range i have looked into either has a substantial backlog of applications or strange membership requirements.

Is it commonplace (or legal) for me to join a range in MA? I know MA state law has provisions for people crossing state lines with firearms for competitions and such (locked, unloaded, no high cap, etc) but i'm unsure if just going to a range by myself for some shooting fits that criteria

For RI i have my blue card but obviously no longer possess a MA LTC and with several MA ranges applications ive looked at having spots for "LTC #" i'm wondering if i would even be able to apply

thanks in advance
You need a nonres ltc to use MA ranges recreationally. Additionally a lot of semis like ARs and AKs you buy in RI will be illegal here anyways because of the AWB.
I know MA state law has provisions for people crossing state lines with firearms for competitions and such (locked, unloaded, no high cap, etc) but i'm unsure if just going to a range by myself for some shooting fits that criteria

Can you cite the Mass law you referenced?
Is it legal to join a range in MA, of course. Commonplace with no LTC (?), not so much. You need a MA license. Do you have any pals here, you could meet up with, at a range, and use their guns?
I was going off what I saw on the GOAL page here

Thanks for the responses guys, I do have people i can go shooting with in mass but i wanted to use my own guns and have the ability to go the the range on a whim. Guess I'm back to trying to find a RI range

GoalWebSite said:
Please note! Currently many legal experts disagree on the applicability of the non-resident exemption oulined below (Chapter 140, Section 131G). If you are a non-resident and planning on travelling to MA with firearms we encourage you to read the information below and do other research before your trip. Many legal experts consider the non-resident exemption to be invalid because of a minor grammatical error in the language of the law.

Seems like no one can agree on what that's supposed to mean. Also, there's a metric ton (exaggeration) of bad information on the GOAL site. It's advisable (actually for any website/source), that you research the laws yourself and come to your own conclusion. They say it's a grammatical error, but it's the letter of the law and as such, it's going to be applied as such.

Seems like no one can agree on what that's supposed to mean. Also, there's a metric ton (exaggeration) of bad information on the GOAL site. It's advisable (actually for any website/source), that you research the laws yourself and come to your own conclusion. They say it's a grammatical error, but it's the letter of the law and as such, it's going to be applied as such.

WOW! Color me impressed that GOAL finally modified their website to acknowledge a proper reading of the law that some of us has known about for a few years now. ETA: To put this in perspective, Jason Guida told me about this when he was still Director of the FRB and he left FRB 3 years ago this month, so this is hardly new info.

Knowing the source of that law (1998), I doubt that it was a grammatical error. I think it was a sneaky, underhanded, fully knowledgeable writing of something that looks like an exemption and really isn't.
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Did you try Wallum Lake?

I've researched most of the northern RI clubs including wallum lake and while I like a lot of their facilities trying to join a club in RI is serious culture shock after being a member of MA clubs.

All the annual dues are 2 to 3 times more expensive which I could suck it up and deal with but most of them have requirements of 30hrs of club service and/or attending 6 out of 12 monthly meetings.

I'm all for doing a field day here and there but as a father with two children under 2 I don't have that kind of free time to clear brush or listen to club politics. He'll I'd be lucky to get 30hrs free a year to shoot!

Going to start looking into RI ranges further away, if I can't find something more casual like the old ranges I'm used to I'll just have to wait until I have more free time and shoot with my father at his clubs in MA
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