Quicken Will/ Law Firm


NES Member
May 16, 2011
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can anyone explain the benefits of having a law firm draw up a trust instead of just using quicken wills?

this is only for a couple SBR builds that i have the lowers for.
Quicken can produce a "valid" traditional revocable trust for most US states and is definitely the least expensive route. However, any trust generated by software is going to be imperfect -- even the 5-minute NFA trusts from "guntrust.com" (the same guys as guntrustlawyer.com, but without the lawyer and at a lower price) have some minor errors.

If you really want to go cheap, there's MyNFAtrust.net for $130.
be carefull the NFA has reviewed and dis allowed quite a few trusts that were the Quicken style. than then you can be screwed
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