Range dilemma…

If I had stupid amounts of money I would make targets using the kids from the family circus, everyone would love to blow away little Billy if he was aiming a Skorpion at you.Ok, I'll accept my ticket to hell now.

I absolutely hate that strip. I was hoping it would die when Bill Keane did, but alas no such luck. Little Billy has been a 6 year old for about 50 years now....
Why do so many supposed freedom lovers spend so much time worrying about what others are doing?

My take on this, is that most freedom lovers only want people who interpret freedom their way, even on this Forum, there are certain "cultural norms" that are encouraged and those who have other ideas are frequently chastised. It's all part of the "group think"...I'm no sociologist or anything like that, but we are generally intolerant of things that are "different" to our beliefs, it's an emotional response frequently IMO.
Could have been an anti gun ad from a a group like this one from the Brady Campaign...

or these from another anti-gun group

So its settled then, you aim for the baby carriage.
My take on this, is that most freedom lovers only want people who interpret freedom their way, even on this Forum, there are certain "cultural norms" that are encouraged and those who have other ideas are frequently chastised. It's all part of the "group think"...I'm no sociologist or anything like that, but we are generally intolerant of things that are "different" to our beliefs, it's an emotional response frequently IMO.

Quoted for truth! I have noticed the same thing on this site. Question any of the normal "group" mentality and you are called a fudd.
I think it is important to realize that in some parts of the world today, children are the enemy, as are women. I remember when female silhouette targets came out in the 70's. Some were squeamish about that. The whole idea is to culturally desensitize and allow one to recognize that a threat is a threat.

There are enough homicides and violent crimes committed in this country by minors to justify regarding children as a threat in some circumstances.

Maybe this guy was headed for Afghanistan...[hmmm]
And then you are on the slippery slope that ends with you going on a shooting spree at an American Girl doll store.

Have you ever been to an American Girl store? I took my daughter to one when she was around 7. That place is pure evil.

But back to the topic at hand: moonbats are printing free targets for us? Where can I pick them up? I'd like a few of the 12 year old Somali kid with an AK....
My take on this, is that most freedom lovers only want people who interpret freedom their way, even on this Forum, there are certain "cultural norms" that are encouraged and those who have other ideas are frequently chastised. It's all part of the "group think"...I'm no sociologist or anything like that, but we are generally intolerant of things that are "different" to our beliefs, it's an emotional response frequently IMO.

That explains it, but doesn't excuse it. As humans, most of us have the ability to consciously "bypass" our instincts. I see things almost daily that I dislike, but don't affect me. I check myself and mind my own business.

You can also condition people to mind their own business by making it emotionally painful for them to stick their nose where it doesn't belong.
in all serious i would have to agree with the MYOB Crowd, who cares what the target looks like as long as its not a specific person that hes shooting at, if it was a specific person then i might say something.
Have you ever been to an American Girl store?

Once. My girls were into them just long enough for me to drop several hundred bucks on some very specific articles of doll clothing, and then they lost interest.

We still get the catalogs in the mail. Maybe I'll take the next one to the range...
in all serious i would have to agree with the MYOB Crowd, who cares what the target looks like as long as its not a specific person that hes shooting at, if it was a specific person then i might say something.
Why would you say something it is none of your business, the only way it should/would be your business is if it was you or someone in your family other than that it isn't your business. maybe by taking his frustrations out on a paper target he won't snap and go on a shooting spree killing people but you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong may put someone over the edge because they are sick and tired of people butting in where they don't belong
Lets simplify:

"Its paper, not a real kid. Who cares?"

Somebody killed a tree for that paper, and now your killing a dead tree, how does that make you feel? What if some tree hugger showed up to the range and chained himself to your target?

You shoot anyway, thats what [wink]
Somebody killed a tree for that paper, and now your killing a dead tree, how does that make you feel? What if some tree hugger showed up to the range and chained himself to your target?

You shoot anyway, thats what [wink]

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” - Jack Handy
I'm glad I didn't get the urge to say anything as I would be mad of someone got up in my business. I normally mind my own business but this just didn't seem right as the targets looks very similar to the ones posted earlier that were created by the antigun moonbats.
I'm glad I didn't get the urge to say anything as I would be mad of someone got up in my business. I normally mind my own business but this just didn't seem right as the targets looks very similar to the ones posted earlier that were created by the antigun moonbats.

Maybe he got them for free from some moonbat demonstration, and figured he would put them to some good, practical use...[smile]
you should have just fired on at his target for a headshot and leaned in and said "ya dude, f#ck kids" with a straight face.
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