range house designs

Nov 8, 2005
Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
A new range chairman has proposed a new "rifle house" to replace the old one at our range. The old one is probably 30 years old, and made of utility poles, and is leaning heavily. The range itself is near wetland.

The chairman has written up a sketch, and thinks a contractor would be able to have this done before April, using some new technology that drills down and does some sort of piling, which is environmentally OK.

I think they should just lop off the roof for safety's sake, leaving open benches; and get a more solid (engineered?) design in place. The downside is the timing. If they can blast this through quick, then so be it. Otherwise, it could mire in red tape and potentially drag things down.

Are there any good resources to look at as to what to have in a range building? Enclosed, or just a roof?

I've seen what they have at Hamilton in Sturbridge, with the wood stove, and that isn't bad. Are there other good ones in Central MA to visit?

This is for rifle. The "pistol house" is in good shape.

Just utility poles, with a shingled roof. Benches, but no walls.

Also, any other considerations, so we dont pigeonhole ourselves out of certain types of shooting, training, or competition?

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