Rcbs turret.....anyone know how to mount a uniflow 3 powder drop on the turret?


NES Member
Jul 26, 2012
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I have an rcbs turret and like to run it as a turret. Currently I have my uniflow 3 mounted on the bench beside the press.....after flairing I take the shell off the press move it to the drop to charge then put it back on the press and finish the process. Last night I tried mounting the uniflow 3 on the press and it fits. However.....I tested 44mag case....lifted the ram till it touched then dropped powder no prob. Tried it with a 357 case and powder goes everywhere because the case is narrower. Then I tried screwing the little green plastic "funnel" back onto the powder drop and it's so long it hangs down and hits the support on the back of the press when rotating the turret head.

Anyone have any experience mounting a uniflow 3 on a turret? Advice appreciated. I've watched some YouTube videos and I've seen a few doing it this way but they were using older style powder drops.
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