recommend a revolver

Do people not even read posts? If the guy wants to avoid recoil, an airweight is a terrible idea. I'll second the model 60 or sp101. If he wants a bit more weight and less recoil, a 2" or 3" K frame would be perfect. Why doesn't Smith make those anymore?
L and N frames are often problems for smaller or weaker shooters.
There are a lot of model 19s out there for short money.

i talked to my father, he wants a snubby, 2" or shorter,
i'm not sure if this changes the suggestions.


I will qualify my recommendation with some qualifications:

I have carried and shot revolvers since 1972. I was certified as a Police revolver instructor when that is what PDs were issuing. I still shoot and carry revolvers for the most part and have owned most every S&W variation at one time or another.

In a good holster with proper loads your father will enjoy carrying and shooting a K frame with a short barrel. My most often carried is a 2.5" S&W Model 66-1. A S&W 2" Model 10 would also be a proper choice.

The steel frame model J frames are good for carry but developing accuracy is not easy. Those little revolvers with 38spl shot shells as the first round and 135gr gold dots as the other 4 would work. But why not go full size? easier to control and just as easy to conceal.

The info you get is worth what you pay but that is my 2cents worth [wink]

I have a 2.5" K, a body guard model 38spl, and a 9MM Model 60 he is welcome to try. I also have a 3" 36-1 that is a honey of a carry gun but good luck finding one.
The steel frame model J frames are good for carry but developing accuracy is not easy. Those little revolvers with 38spl shot shells as the first round and 135gr gold dots as the other 4 would work. But why not go full size? easier to control and just as easy to conceal.

You're absolutely right for a proper belt holster. I can't fit a 3" K-frame in my pocket though.
S&W 642 or 442 would get my vote.

The CT grips are nice, get the shorter version. I believe the shorter grips are the 405's or something like that

Not trying to bring you down on this choice but have you fired a 642/442 with this setup? I fired Richc's 442/CT short grip setup and I didn't like the recoil sensation I was getting with it. My 442 has the 3-finger Uncle Mikes grip on it and it's okay, even shooting +P's. Those +P's with the CT boot grip stung like someone hammered my hand! If I go the CT route, it will be with the 3-finger grip.

My favorite revolver so far is a 4" barreled Model 19. Good balance with decent handling. I think that a 2.5" one might be a little snappy in its bark but should feel good with the right grips.

Joe R.
Not trying to bring you down on this choice but have you fired a 642/442 with this setup? I fired Richc's 442/CT short grip setup and I didn't like the recoil sensation I was getting with it. My 442 has the 3-finger Uncle Mikes grip on it and it's okay, even shooting +P's. Those +P's with the CT boot grip stung like someone hammered my hand! If I go the CT route, it will be with the 3-finger grip.
But then it won't fit in a pocket, which defeats the purpose of an Airweight. If you're going to carry a gun in a holster, you can carry a heaver gun with better sights and less recoil than an Airweight.
But then it won't fit in a pocket, which defeats the purpose of an Airweight. If you're going to carry a gun in a holster, you can carry a heaver gun with better sights and less recoil than an Airweight.

I'm using a DeSantis Nemesis holster with the 442 and even with the grip, it still sits in the pocket well. One part of a pocket holster design is to get the intended weapon that's in the pocket the look of something else rather than a gun. Granted that some do this better than others but the concept is the same.

An Airweight isn't that bad on recoil - unless you put the smallest grip on it and load the cylinder with heavy loads. The CT grip was causing pain in the backstrap area of the grip that was unpleasant to continue shooting it. Ammo was Blazer 125 grain +P's and I would not want to shoot the 135 grain Gold Dot short-barrel load I carry with this grip.

Joe R.
dad's a dingleberry

so my father comes up from plymouth this weekend, wants to go look,
i tell him i have all kinds of suggestions from people who know revolvers, we'll see what fits you and go from there. as were' getting ready to leave my house, i say to him, "you have your permit w/ you , right" to which he replies, heres the dingleberry part,
no, i left my wallet in plymouth. so as you can guess, we didn't make it out to any shops this weekend, we're going to try again next week. hopefully the dingleberrys are out of his system by then.

thank you

thx for all the input.
he came up today, he even remembered his gun permit this time.
we talked and decided to go handle a few guns. he didn't want to shoot
first, and then buy, cause that would make sense.
anyway, he liked the feel of the ruger sp101 in 357
went to hunters in weymouth, not my first choice, but close
and i knew he had a good revolver selection. got it home
cleaned/ lubed and went to the range. he shot 25 rounds no problem.
he's not going to win any target competitions, but he was able to shoot it
and not feel any pain from the recoil. he's happy w/ it, so it's all good.
again, thx for all the advice on this

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