recommendations for 45 acp carry pistol

I like the one from assailant arms.


I just figured I'd throw it out there lol, its as good an opinion as anyone else has thrown out considering the best advice would be for the OP to buy what he shoots best, not what everybody else likes.
S&W 1911 Gunsite Edition. With the scandium frame and commander length it makes a nice carry.

Whatever .45 you carry get a good holster and don't forget a good quality belt. The belt will make or break your carrying experience.
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Get a real Glock (holster optional). The mag on the left is pre-ban and the mag on the right is post-ban (or it might be the other way around):

images (2).jpg
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S&W 4516. Reduced size (3.75 in barrel and shortened grip frame) make it easy to conceal and all stainless construction makes it easy to shoot, but a tad on the heavy side. Excellent trigger, sights, reliability, and accuracy make this gun a great shooter. I used mine for a season of IPSC competition.
Ruger sr45 is also an option if you don't mind a big gun, reliable and less $$$ than almost any of the other options I think
Anybody have an opinion on the new Walther PPQ2 in .45?

unless walther put some serious meat onto the slide, the 45acp version will recoil heavily. the few youtube videos of folks shooting the PPQ 45, they don't appear to be handling the gun comfortably.

that being said, i haven't shot the PPQ in 45, just plenty of shooting w 9mm models (which also are snappier than pretty much all the competition, due mostly to lighter-than-average slide).

for striker 45acp, personally i would go Sig P320, G41/21 or M&P45. just my personal preferences. YMMV.

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Ruger sr45 is also an option if you don't mind a big gun, reliable and less $$$ than almost any of the other options I think

the magazine springs are awful. after ~200 rounds they were already shot.
whats everyone using for a 9mm single stack? had a shield, wasn't impressed. might as well buy another 9 while I'm at it.
Any chance the M&P 45c is released in the 2.0? Or has it already been released (Shield 45)?

Also, when can we expect the M&P 45 2.0 in the local shops?
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whats everyone using for a 9mm single stack? had a shield, wasn't impressed. might as well buy another 9 while I'm at it.
LC9s here. No one makes a trigger kit for it because it doesn't need one. 1,000+ through mine and it eats everything I've fed it from 115JHP to 147 coated pushed by a slightly reduced charge.
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Shield 45 fan here. sweet shooter and reliable with any ammo type. kahr CW45 or PM45 is also a great choice. I had a CW45 (larger size) and also fantastic shooter. grip length a bit more than the shield. most XDS-45 owners seem happy as well but I could not bring myself to ever purchase a springfield pistol.

if dead set on .45acp, to me the choice would be between a kahr or M&P shield 45.
whats everyone using for a 9mm single stack? had a shield, wasn't impressed. might as well buy another 9 while I'm at it.

Kimber Solo STS. Mixed bag on reliability with std 9mm (based on what I've read), but mine has had 0 issues with any ammo. Looking to pick up the Micro 9 Raptor shortly.
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