Red Fridays...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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Have you guys seen this e-mail? I was sent this today, but I didn't know where this came from. I do think that it's a pretty cool idea, but it's new to me.


You will soon see a lot of people wearing Red on Fridays. Here's why.....

The Americans, who support our troops, are the silent majority. We are not "organized" to reflect who we are, or to reflect what our opinions are. Many Americans, like yourself, and all their friends, simply want to recognize that Americans support our troops.

Our idea of showing our solidarity and support for our troops is starting Friday and continuing on each and every Friday, until this is over, that every red -blooded American who supports our young men and women, WEAR SOMETHING RED. Word of mouth, press, TV -- let's see if we can make the United States, on any given Friday, a sea of red much like a home football game at a University.

If every one of our memberships share this with other acquaintances, fellow workers, friends, and neighbors, I guarantee ! that it will not be long before the USA will be covered in RED - and make our troops know there are many people thinking of their well-being. You will feel better all day Friday when you wear Red! So let's get the word out and lead by example; wear RED on Fridays.
C-pher said:
Yea, but there are a lot of people that can't wear Camo to work. Like me... But I can wear a collered Red Polo shirt.

Wonder if I can find red-colored camo? [lol] [lol] [lol] Seem to remember seeing something goofy like that once.

The shirt and pants, I understand. When I saw the shorts, I blinked and scrolled the rest of the way down... I was looking to see if they had red camo underwear!!

Not that I'd buy it, but it would be interesting to see if they had it. [twisted] [twisted]
The Swiss used Red in their Camo.

Oh. My. God.


*sound of a dwarf running blindly in terror*


C-pher said:
dwarven1 said:
The shirt and pants, I understand. When I saw the shorts, I blinked and scrolled the rest of the way down... I was looking to see if they had red camo underwear!!

Not that I'd buy it, but it would be interesting to see if they had it. [twisted] [twisted]

Ask and you should recieve...

Ross - if you EVER wear those in public, I will refuse to acknowledge that I know you.

[lol] [lol]
Lynne said:
Ross - if you EVER wear those in public, I will refuse to acknowledge that I know you.

Lynne, dear...

1 - If I ever wear them in public, you'll never know it. I'm in my 40's, not my 20's, and I'm not like that idiot I just saw in Downtown Crossing with his jeans around his thighs and about 3" of boxers sticking up. Underwear belongs UNDER your pants!

And 2 - Are you out of your freakin' mind?? Me, OWN a pair of them? See previous post for what I think of that... :D :D

dwarven1 said:
Lynne said:
Ross - if you EVER wear those in public, I will refuse to acknowledge that I know you.

Lynne, dear...

1 - If I ever wear them in public, you'll never know it. I'm in my 40's, not my 20's, and I'm not like that idiot I just saw in Downtown Crossing with his jeans around his thighs and about 3" of boxers sticking up. Underwear belongs UNDER your pants!

And 2 - Are you out of your freakin' mind?? Me, OWN a pair of them? See previous post for what I think of that... :D :D


Whew! I feel much better now....even tho I heard the tone of that "Lynne, dear..." [wink]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh come on now, it would be sporting..... [twisted] [twisted] [twisted] [wink] I'll go hide now so I don't get hit. [lol]

I don't know...a dwarf in red camo? That might even be too much for Steven Speilberg.

[lol] [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
Oh come on now, it would be sporting..... [twisted] [twisted] [twisted] [wink] I'll go hide now so I don't get hit. [lol]

Hey, Mrs WW, if you want a pair, I know where you can get them... [twisted] [twisted] [twisted]
MrsWildweasel said:
No I think they'd be stunning on you! [twisted] [twisted] I'm ducking and running now. [lol]

I'm sure they would be stunning... you'd be stunned with disbelief! Norweigian Blue Weasels stun easily, y'know! [twisted]

Although... if you were stunned... how could you be running?

What can I say Lynne's comment gave me visuals of Hobbits running around in red camo boxers [twisted] [twisted] [twisted] Besides us weasel can be quick you know. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
What can I say Lynne's comment gave me visuals of Hobbits running around in red camo boxers

Fortunately, dwarves are way too intelligent to even wear red camo boxers. [lol]
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