Redfield Revolution Rifle Scope


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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Does anyone have any first-hand knowledge of these scopes? Are they any good? I got one which was mounted on an older Windham Weaponry rifle. The picture through the scope looked nice and clear but I literally had to lay my cheek on the stock and cant my head at an almost 90 degree angle to get a sight picture The stock is an ACE Skeleton Stock which is one of my favorites.

Not sure whether to keep it and try it on another setup or get rid of it.

so, you need to swap out mount rings to set it proper? how is it mounted now?

It's not. It was kind of low. I am going to experiment with it later. Meanwhile I am working with some BUIS and looking at some sort of red dot or other sight.
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