Remeber or Have Your First Milsurp?

How’s it going Juergen! Long time.

Amazing how many of us have had that experience...Benny’s, Cracker Barrel, It’s A Party, various hotel, restaurant, and mall parking lots in dark corners...:confused:


Exceptional family pic today...
An Izzy M91/30 shipped to my door for $110. I sold it a few years ago.

Actually that was my first C&R rifle, but it was my third entry into the bound book. Just happened to open it up last night. The first entry (over 11 years ago I first got my FFL03) was the byf41 Luger. 2nd was my first East German Makarov, 3rd was the Mosin. I still have those pistols.
After dying today, I wondered if I should post “what was your last MilSurp”


1941 M34 Beretta .380 on the way from PA
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