Remington 1911 R1 Enhanced

Jul 2, 2011
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Is anyone here running one of these pistols? I'm thinking seriously about picking one up and wondering how they are in the real world. So anyone with some experience sending lead downrange with one of these, or maybe you carry it daily, how about adding some comments. Even if you don't have one yet but would like to, I'd be interested in your comments also.
I have the un-enhanced version, my understanding is that the enhanced is just flashier [laugh]

I like it a lot, ive only had it about a month but it shoots very well, handles recoil very well (no worse than my 9, but ive never shot 45 before this pistol) and has a nice smooth trigger.
Is anyone here running one of these pistols? I'm thinking seriously about picking one up and wondering how they are in the real world. So anyone with some experience sending lead downrange with one of these, or maybe you carry it daily, how about adding some comments. Even if you don't have one yet but would like to, I'd be interested in your comments also.

Everyone I have sold one to, or have talked to about theirss has said it shoots great and they love it. An occaisional mag. problem but nothing they haven't fixed themselves either with tools or by simply swapping the mag. The price point on these is great.

I have the un-enhanced version, my understanding is that the enhanced is just flashier [laugh]

I like it a lot, ive only had it about a month but it shoots very well, handles recoil very well (no worse than my 9, but ive never shot 45 before this pistol) and has a nice smooth trigger.

The Enhanced/TALO version has nicer grips and two 8 round mags.
Is anyone here running one of these pistols? I'm thinking seriously about picking one up and wondering how they are in the real world. So anyone with some experience sending lead downrange with one of these, or maybe you carry it daily, how about adding some comments. Even if you don't have one yet but would like to, I'd be interested in your comments also.

I bought a TALO from Acme Armament the day after Thanksgiving last year. The gun shoots way better than I do and has functioned flawlessly. Off hand. 3" groups at 50' are pretty much the norm and I am sure that a better shooter would see better results.
In short the gun shoots like it costs hundreds more. I regularly shoot with a guy that spent $1100 for a S&W and we both shoot more accurately with my Remington and his S&W, while a beautiful gun, is kind of finicky.
I also have a Sig Stainless Target, and it is a nice gun, but I will probably sell it as the Rem just plain shoots better.
Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic.


They are decent but also look at the Ruger SR1911.

I've looked, Lou, but can't warm up to the Rugers. At that price point you really can't go wrong either, a lot of 1911 for the money. I saw that big ole ugly ass Remington in a shop one day and it was telling me to take it home. I call it ugly cause of the REMINGTON billboard on the side of the slide. I've picked up this month, 2 Smith E series 1911's. I maybe don't need this right now, but...
castros rat:2345034 said:
Are you in NH? If so we might be able to hook up for you to shoot it.

Here are my reviews of it.

No, I'm not in NH but can get there easy enough if we're somewhat close to each other. I'd like that, to hook up and shoot the Remington. Shoot me an email if you want and we can hack out the details.

I'm sure your videos are good, ill watch them when I get home from work tonight. Sucks watching them on a 4" screen.

Thanks so much.
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