Replacing external extractor on S&W 1911

Mar 23, 2009
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The extractor hook in my SW1911 sheared off at the range tonight. I can't find the replacement part at Brownells or anywhere else.

Does S&W not sell replacement extractors?
Thanks. Not thrilled about having to send my slide to the factory every 20k rounds. Guess it's time for a backup competition gun.
I'm sure if you complain a little, they may just send you a new extractor in the mail. If you tell them your worried about it happening again, they may send you 2!
If there are no known recalls, you should be all set. At least, thats how colt worked it for me. YMMV
I'm sure if you complain a little, they may just send you a new extractor in the mail. If you tell them your worried about it happening again, they may send you 2!
If there are no known recalls, you should be all set. At least, thats how colt worked it for me. YMMV

They don't distribute that part outside the factory. Apparently there's some voodoo with fitting it. No big deal... guns break.
They are a PITA to get out. The pin is pressed in, read about it. I would send it in so you dont peen the pin over and gouge the slide.
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