Response from Gabriel Gomez (Republican Primary for MA Senator) on Gun Control


NES Member
Sep 22, 2005
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Here is what I got from this guy.....


Thanks for your question.

As a former U.S. Navy SEAL, I am a strong Second Amendment supporter.
Our freedoms make America the most unique and prosperous country in the world. The President and the Congress must act now to forge consensus and compromise to close the gun show loophole, and to keep weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill.

We must not, however, take away freedom for law-abiding citizens in the process.

Please visit Home - Gabriel Gomez for U.S. Senate to find out more.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:12 PM, <redacted> wrote:

Gun Control?

I need a clear answer on this before I consider donating anything.

Thank you,

i personally wouldn't trust this guy to stand up for my 2a freedom.
my trust evaporated away the moment 'gunshow loophole' came out of his mouth.
very good indicator that guy has little to no knowledge of MA firearm licensing process.
and all his pro2a attitude most likely a mish-mash assembly of hearsay and misconceptions that he learned along the way to his candidacy from who knows where and who knows what sources.
so typical . he would turn his coat to support 'common sense' gun laws as soon as this becomes convenient for his further political career advancement.
and his pro2a rhetoric is nothing more as an attempt to capitalize on gun-folk votes.
time of compromise with libs has long past. you are either with us or with them!
there is no 'on the fence' scenario for anybody! if you are not with us - THEN YOU ARE WITH THEM!

the fact that he is an ex-serviceman should not give him a 'free pass'.
all his acions still have to be judged critically
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The main reason I am against background checks is because it is always tied to registration. If we could have background checks required for FTF transfers. Make it free and over the phone, then allow FTF transfers between any US residents in any states. I could be persuaded.
The main reason I am against background checks is because it is always tied to registration. If we could have background checks required for FTF transfers. Make it free and over the phone, then allow FTF transfers between any US residents in any states. I could be persuaded.

Slippery slope. Background checks > Registration > Confiscation.

Sorta like 'registering' gold sales. Proposed Bill to ?Register? the Sale and Purchase of ?Precious? Metals?..Big Brother is On The Move AGAIN! | The Right Of Way
i met Gabriel in Peabody this week. seemed like a nice guy i spoke to him very briefly, unfortunately after reading this he does not have my vote. i would however like to hear him answer the question "what is the gun show loop hole?"
i met Gabriel in Peabody this week. seemed like a nice guy i spoke to him very briefly, unfortunately after reading this he does not have my vote. i would however like to hear him answer the question "what is the gun show loop hole?"

The answer is simple: In states without licensing like that in MA, one can buy FTF @ at at GS with no background check, but a NICS check is required to purchase from an FFL. Avoiding the NICS check is the "loophole". The loophole, while existing in other states, is totally plugged in MA.
exactly, i understand what the term 'gun show loop hole' is supposed to mean. but one can't be pro2a and be in favor of closing this alleged "loop hole"
exactly, i understand what the term "gun show loop hole" means. but one can not be pro2a and be in favor of closing an alleged "loop hole", which is really just another media nomenclature just like assault rifle
well there's 2 similar posts because the first didn't appear to post and so i posted again and then the 1st showed up and now when i go to edit post to delete the 2nd it comes up as a solid grey text box

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well there's 2 similar posts because the first didn't appear to post and so i posted again and then the 1st showed up and now when i go to edit post to delete the 2nd it comes up as a solid grey text box
The answer is simple: In states without licensing like that in MA, one can buy FTF @ at at GS with no background check, but a NICS check is required to purchase from an FFL. Avoiding the NICS check is the "loophole". The loophole, while existing in other states, is totally plugged in MA.

They grouse about the 'loophole' but fail to mention there are numerous laws addressing gun ownership by prohibited persons.

ATF Online - Firearms - How To - Identify Prohibited Persons
The guy flat out said he supports Obamas views on gun control...I'm not voting for him. He's gonna blow smoke being a republican then turned around and F*** us.
He was on Howie Carr show yesterday. He was asked about 25 questions, he gave the same answer to all of them: "Vote for me, I'm a Navy man, not a career politician". Oh, and he mentioned his race about 769 times.
I wrote to ask him specifically what he will do to help 2A rights in the state of Massachusetts, especially in regards to the AG's bogus "list" and all the other restrictions that confuse and make life difficult for legal gun owners in this state.

Have not heard back.
I emailed asking where he stands on the AWB and further said don't respond with a form letter.

I've gotten no response.
sent to his facebook account:

"The President and the Congress must act now to forge consensus and compromise to close the gun show loophole, and to keep weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill.
We must not, however, take away freedom for law-abiding citizens in the process."

there is no "gun show loophole" a private, face to face sale is not illegal, therefore, there is no hole in the law, as no law exists restricting face to face sales.

if you're proposing (like Lackey, patrick and these other morons) that ALL transfers need to go through dealers, that means there will be a record of all transactions, a back door registration, and of course, registration leads to confiscation, always... the laws we have here in MA are already bad enough and unconstitutional, you'd seek to make them worse? and on the federal level?

what about firearms that aren't on the AG's magic list of approved arms for sale by dealers? the only way to purchase firearms not on her magic list, is through face to face transactions.... nice way to prohibit any firearms sales in the commonwealth is to limit sales to dealers only, we already tell dealers what they can and cannot sell, just up the "cannot" list and we have a de facto gun bun....



we have compromised enough, we have given enough, i cannot protect my family outside of my home because the cheif of police in my city (new bedford) gets to decide arbitrarily who can and cannot carry concealed....

never mind the fact that i'm an honorably discharged veteran....

i swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of MA and the US against all enemies, i know you took a similar oath, and as an elected representative, you would take that oath again, i can't bring myself to vote for someone who would say those words, then talk about compromising my inalienable rights.

the U.S. Constitution does not grant me the right to do anything, i have those rights naturally, that's why they are "inalienable."
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